Sunday, May 11, 2014

Best Birthday Ever!!!

Dear Family, 

Happy Birthday, mum!!!

Welcome to the Family, little Katie! I can't wait to meet you!! Congratulations Julie, Nathan, and Spencer. She sure is a cutie. Although I do find it really funny that she has the same name as Princess Kate. I guess that in a sense that allows my mission to allows be a part of her life ;) I think hearing about her is the best birthday gift I could get (well, a day early.)
I'm looking forward to your 3rd child on the 3rd of May. Hey, as long as you have atleast 6 kids then one of them can share a bday with mom and me! :) No pressure. 

So much fun news from you! I don't even know where to begin in responding. But I guess I should start with how getting to see you all this weekend!!!!!!!! 

I'm glad everything with delivery went well. I was very shocked about a new bishop. I love Bishop Ficklin. It will be weird for them to be gone when I get home. McKell had told me they were thinking about moving, but I guess I didn't think it would really happen. They will be greatly missed. And the new bishopric sounds great. I'm glad Brother Pulver's funeral went well. I was talking with Sister Wen just yesterday about the importance of Home and Visiting teaching. I don't think it's done enough in Ilford. And I got to tell her about all the wonderful Home teachers we've been blessed with. I remember every single one and they have made a huge impact for our family. I'm grateful for their faithful service, especially Brother Pulver. I can't believe about Sean's mission call. CRAZY! And I'm so excited for Luis. It'll be basically the same as if he's serving in Ilford. haha. Maybe he'll get to teach one of our investigators mum and sister who are in India and want to learn about the gospel. They live in New Deli. IS that in his mission? We have an American in our ward who served his mission in India. He went there when the first opened the mission. HE loved it. My advice to Luis would be to study a bit about Hinuism, Sikhism, and Muslim. Knowing the background the people are coming from will help a lot. He's going to love it! I hope he loves curry! :)

Things here are going great! We are struggling to get really solid people to progress but I am amazed at how often I am blessed to see the mercies of the Lord in HIs great work. I'm really learning to look for the blessings in the little things and they are there in great abundance!Yesterday we had some time to tract before a dinner appointment. We have really been striving to find families. We got a neighbour referral and the referral was outside washing his car. We had a great conversation with him. He wasn't really eager to make the hard changes in his life, but he was open to us coming back. He has a strong family and they really recognize the value of family, eating together, spending quality time together. His family will be the best members! Kingdom builders. I'm praying that the Lord prepares them to fully receive us when we see them next! And then right after that, we went to the dinner appointment with a less-active and she had invited some non-member friends over. They were incredibly interested either, but I just felt like the Lord was telling me to be patient and continue having faith, because he can give us prepared people to teach in the exact moment He wants to. I hope and pray it will be soon, but whenever it is right in His timing I know it will be best! 
On Thursday we were out in POURING rain. I have never seen it flood like that in England. ever. it was nuts. But I LOVED it! ANd I loved that it made it really easy to talk with people and let them see how the gospel helps us to be happy, even when we're soaking wet! :) 

We had a brilliant testimony meeting yesterday! So many of the youth and primary children got up and bore sweet testimonies. I think what really set the mood was the new missionaries in the ward being the first to bear their testimonies. There was a great spirit there. One young man got up and talked about the new movie noah. He said in the movie Noah faced lots of hard things (it isn't like the biblical version of Noah really, so he said) and he said that in the real story noah did face hard things, but not like in the movie because in the movie he only prayed once. He bore a powerful testimony about needing to be consistent and faithful in communicating with God. It was wonderful. And he said he had made a deal with his dad that if he(the son) got up to bear his testimony the dad would too (because the son hadn't heard him bear it in awhile). I love how strong the youth are. They can influence us all for so much good! His dad bore a sweet testimony too. There was a man from brazil who has been inactive for 5 years who came back to church yesterday. He couldn't speak much English, but he got up and through his tears said he came back because he realised "I need JesusChrist" It was beautiful to see him humbling himself and coming back to his Saviour. I am so grateful that no matter who we are or where we are in life, the Saviour's arms are always outstretched to us! Always. 
I know Jesus Christ is my Saviour. I'm grateful for His love and his grace that allows me to change and become better! 

I love you all!!! 
Love, Sister Davis 

CAn't wait to see you on Saturday!!!!!! 
p.s. I get to go see the Olympic Park Stadium today and go to Nando's. Fun Birthday! 

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