Thursday, May 22, 2014

I'm walking on Sunshine!

Hello Dear Family!

I am happy to hear you are alive and well (well, minus those who are sick and experiencing the unjoys of allergies). Thanks for the pictures of beautiful Kate. Give her a hug for me!! 
I decided to send you all personal responses instead of doing it in the family  email. 

This week has been GORGEOUS weather! Sunshine and warmth. I love it. And the weather is perfect today. The perfect day for us to go to LONDON! yay. 
sorry I don't have too much time left because the man sitting next to me asked me to help him log off of facebook, then he asked if I was from America; He's from America too. New Jersey. And then I started talking to him about the gospel. He lives on the same street as the church!!! He said he'd be willing to meet with us and rebuild his faith (he comes from a baptist background, but doesn't practice and doesn't really follow God). Hey, look at that! I love the people God places in our paths. We never know when we're going to find those who are prepared and seeking the truth. 
Rose came to church this week!!! She looked like a member. We introduced her to the RS President and she asked which ward she was visiting from. haha. I love when members think our investigators are already members. She was really tired, but I think she enjoyed it anyway. It's so hard to meet with her in the week because she is so busy, but she said she will definitely come to church next week. 
In more interesting news, we found this woman and her daughter to teach. They seemed so accepting of the message. Then the mum told us that she is a prophet. oh boy. I can't tell you how many "prophets" I've met on my mission. And it's interesting because they all talk about the warning to beware of false prophets. It's so sad to see people not understanding the doctrine. She had lots of interesting experiences to share with us. Her daughter is really interested though and hopefully in time we can help the mum to overcome these strange ideas. We're not giving up on them yet. Right after we met them we walked to the bus stop and asked these two older woman how long they had been waiting for the bus. We ended up setting an appointment to go do one of their gardens. I love doing service! Hopefully her heart will be softened and she'll want to know more. Right after we started talking with them I realized we were at the wrong bus stop. We needed the bus on the other side of the road going the other way. I know that God directed us to talk with them and I'm so grateful we did! It's amazing to see the spirit working through us even when we may not initially realise it. 
I'm excited because this week I get to go to Ipswich for an exchange with... SIster Jacobsmeyer!! Yay! That should be fun. And we're having interviews this week! I Love interviews! 

I almost just deleted this letter! That would have been so sad. yikes. I must be more careful. 

I know this church is true. I know that this is the ONLY path we can take that will lead us to exaltation. But I am grateful that we do not walk this path alone. We have our dear older Brother and Saviour next to us every step of the way. We have our family all around us. And the more we invite and share, the many others of our friends, families, and neighbours we will have on this path with us too! 
Read the Book of Mormon everyday! :) I know it's true. And even more than read it; live it! 
Sister Davis 

P.S. Have lots and lots and lots of fun at the family reunion for me!! Give everyone an extra hug from me! Love you all. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

I'm grateful for the Tender Mercies of the Lord.

Dear Family! 

It was BRILLIANT to talk with you! (I felt that word was extra appropriate ;))  Thanks to everyone for being there and making it such a wonderful experience! I love you all!!! I'm grateful for Heavenly Father prompting me to find the hangout app so I could talk with all of you. I would have been so sad if it hadn't all worked out. But it did. What a blessing from God!!! 

This week was great! Especially because I got to see all of you! Also, because we met so many wonderful people! We're still trying to find those who are really committed and ready to progress. I know they will come (probably right before I leave, but they will come nonetheless :)).  We had a self referral from Her name is Rose. She is AMAZING. After our lesson, Sister Wen and I were literally jumping up and down and having a party. First of all, she is so normal: has a job, lives close to the church, didn't feel the need to pour all her life's problems on us (I've noticed that some people just don't really have anyone to talk with so once we try and teach them, because we love them and listen they like to tell us EVERYTHING that is happening in their life and tell us all their problems and issues. I'm grateful they recognize they can trust us, but I wish they would let us just teach them the gospel so they can get what will really help them. Anyway, sorry for that tangent. Rose is not like those people just described. She has a sincere desire to find peace. She asks so many great questions and then she really listens to what we are saying. She's pretty busy so it will be difficult to meet with her often, but I know if she will sincerely read and pray she'll want to make the time to learn more from us. She can tell that we are really converted to what we teach and she wants that. I know what we have is what she is looking for. We just need to help her see that and feel that! I can't wait for her to come to church on Sunday!
Then after skyping on Saturday we were heading home and started talking to this adorable African family, A mum and three beautiful daughters (7,5, and1). They were asking lots of questions and then I just started talking with the girls and Sister Wen was teaching the mum and answering her questions. I mostly was talking with the 7 yr old. She is so great! She has so much faith in God and Jesus Christ. She asked all the right questions and is really curious and desirous to learn more. She asked lots and lots about the Book of Mormon. When I finished explaining, it was like a lightbulb went on and she said, "Oh I get it. So the Book of Mormon is just another thing that will help us get closer to Jesus; I'm still learning how to get close to Jesus." My heart was filled with so much joy. Even a child can understand the truths of gospel because they are that simple. She understands what so many people don't; that we all just need to continue learning how to get close to Jesus and that our loving Heavenly Father will give us all that he can to help us to do that! And she shared so much more about how she is helping her friends and school to think about if God is there and be a good example. She was absolutely delighted when I told her that she could keep the copy of the Book of Mormon that she was holding. I hope we all can be that delighted to have this sacred record. I learned so much from this sweet little girl. Then when we got off the bus, Sister Wen told me about her conversation with the mum. She has a good friend who use to live in Ilford that went to our church, but she moved to Manchester. The friend told this mum that she needed to go to this church, but when the mum tried to find it she couldn't. The mum said she has only heard great things about the church and she set up an appointment for us to come and teach her family!! I can't wait! And I think it shows that no effort on a members part is wasted. That member helped us to find this family and be able to teach them. I don't think the mum would have been as eager to have us around if she hadn't already heard all these great things and been invited to come. 
I just finished reading "Our search for Happiness" by M. Russell Ballard (it's part of the missionary library). I really loved it! I especially loved a part I read today. "You can NEVER do more for the Lord than He can do for you." I'm grateful that in all things the Lord looks to bless us more and more. I am so grateful for this time that I can come to know Him better and become more like Him. Yesterday in sacrament meeting the talks were on Christlike attributes. Members of the stake came and spoke and both talks were brilliant! I learned so much. One shared about the story when someone goes to heaven and they ask what do you know about Jesus Christ? and he keeps giving factual answers and they ask a few more times. Then the next person goes in and when they ask him he falls down and says, " My Lord and Saviour." Then the speaker asked Do we know OF the Saviour or do we KNOW the Saviour? I pray that I can truly come to know Him as I become more and more like Him. I know He is my Saviour and that with His help one day we can all be perfect. 
We also had a great RS lesson on the Book of Mormon. The bishop's daughter, who is also a ward missionary, gave a wonderful lesson (we're hoping to get her on a mission ;) She's 22 and so great!). I learned so much and my testimony grew more and more. The spirit was there so strong and so many sisters bore powerful testimonies of the Book of Mormon and the restored gospel. Something I loved: "There is never a substitute for the workings of the spirit." People may ask for proof and want to see how the Book of Mormon is true. But all of that will not help them to know that it is true. That can only come from the Holy Spirit. That is the only way that true conversion can happen. 
I love you all! Have a great week!!! 
Sister Davis xoxo


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Best Birthday Ever!!!

Dear Family, 

Happy Birthday, mum!!!

Welcome to the Family, little Katie! I can't wait to meet you!! Congratulations Julie, Nathan, and Spencer. She sure is a cutie. Although I do find it really funny that she has the same name as Princess Kate. I guess that in a sense that allows my mission to allows be a part of her life ;) I think hearing about her is the best birthday gift I could get (well, a day early.)
I'm looking forward to your 3rd child on the 3rd of May. Hey, as long as you have atleast 6 kids then one of them can share a bday with mom and me! :) No pressure. 

So much fun news from you! I don't even know where to begin in responding. But I guess I should start with how getting to see you all this weekend!!!!!!!! 

I'm glad everything with delivery went well. I was very shocked about a new bishop. I love Bishop Ficklin. It will be weird for them to be gone when I get home. McKell had told me they were thinking about moving, but I guess I didn't think it would really happen. They will be greatly missed. And the new bishopric sounds great. I'm glad Brother Pulver's funeral went well. I was talking with Sister Wen just yesterday about the importance of Home and Visiting teaching. I don't think it's done enough in Ilford. And I got to tell her about all the wonderful Home teachers we've been blessed with. I remember every single one and they have made a huge impact for our family. I'm grateful for their faithful service, especially Brother Pulver. I can't believe about Sean's mission call. CRAZY! And I'm so excited for Luis. It'll be basically the same as if he's serving in Ilford. haha. Maybe he'll get to teach one of our investigators mum and sister who are in India and want to learn about the gospel. They live in New Deli. IS that in his mission? We have an American in our ward who served his mission in India. He went there when the first opened the mission. HE loved it. My advice to Luis would be to study a bit about Hinuism, Sikhism, and Muslim. Knowing the background the people are coming from will help a lot. He's going to love it! I hope he loves curry! :)

Things here are going great! We are struggling to get really solid people to progress but I am amazed at how often I am blessed to see the mercies of the Lord in HIs great work. I'm really learning to look for the blessings in the little things and they are there in great abundance!Yesterday we had some time to tract before a dinner appointment. We have really been striving to find families. We got a neighbour referral and the referral was outside washing his car. We had a great conversation with him. He wasn't really eager to make the hard changes in his life, but he was open to us coming back. He has a strong family and they really recognize the value of family, eating together, spending quality time together. His family will be the best members! Kingdom builders. I'm praying that the Lord prepares them to fully receive us when we see them next! And then right after that, we went to the dinner appointment with a less-active and she had invited some non-member friends over. They were incredibly interested either, but I just felt like the Lord was telling me to be patient and continue having faith, because he can give us prepared people to teach in the exact moment He wants to. I hope and pray it will be soon, but whenever it is right in His timing I know it will be best! 
On Thursday we were out in POURING rain. I have never seen it flood like that in England. ever. it was nuts. But I LOVED it! ANd I loved that it made it really easy to talk with people and let them see how the gospel helps us to be happy, even when we're soaking wet! :) 

We had a brilliant testimony meeting yesterday! So many of the youth and primary children got up and bore sweet testimonies. I think what really set the mood was the new missionaries in the ward being the first to bear their testimonies. There was a great spirit there. One young man got up and talked about the new movie noah. He said in the movie Noah faced lots of hard things (it isn't like the biblical version of Noah really, so he said) and he said that in the real story noah did face hard things, but not like in the movie because in the movie he only prayed once. He bore a powerful testimony about needing to be consistent and faithful in communicating with God. It was wonderful. And he said he had made a deal with his dad that if he(the son) got up to bear his testimony the dad would too (because the son hadn't heard him bear it in awhile). I love how strong the youth are. They can influence us all for so much good! His dad bore a sweet testimony too. There was a man from brazil who has been inactive for 5 years who came back to church yesterday. He couldn't speak much English, but he got up and through his tears said he came back because he realised "I need JesusChrist" It was beautiful to see him humbling himself and coming back to his Saviour. I am so grateful that no matter who we are or where we are in life, the Saviour's arms are always outstretched to us! Always. 
I know Jesus Christ is my Saviour. I'm grateful for His love and his grace that allows me to change and become better! 

I love you all!!! 
Love, Sister Davis 

CAn't wait to see you on Saturday!!!!!! 
p.s. I get to go see the Olympic Park Stadium today and go to Nando's. Fun Birthday! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Bear with pacience your afflictions

Dear Family, 

I am gutted that Julie hasn't had her baby yet. I have been excited all week and could not wait to hear the news today. I guess the Lord is just teaching me patience. That would be fun if he/she is born on Spencer's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPENCER!!!!!! Hope it's a BRILLIANT birthday! 

Ilford is still great. Sister Wen is great. She has been out for 10 months. She is actually from Liverpool, but her parents are from South Africa and Zimbabwe. She is a convert. She was baptised when she was 19, but was going to church like a member for quite a few years (she's 24). She is the only member in her family, but she is so strong. We have lots of fun! I learn so much from her! 
yesterday we had our Ward Conference. It was really great! Amarjeet bore his testimony. He was so nervous to get up in front of everyone but he did such a great job! And Amaya's dad, Charitch (RC for about 1 year) bore his too for the first time and it was great! 
The work is going well. We are finding lots of great people to teach. Because everyone works so much and is always busy in London it is sometimes hard for them to progress, but I know we will see fruits of all our efforts. 
Please pray for Salma. She is having a really hard time giving up smoking. She just really needs  the will power to be able to give it up.  
Transfers was fun! I got to see a lot of my old companions. I was especially excited to see Sister Greenfield. It has been AGES since I've seen her and we had such a fun time catching up! Also, the new STL over my area is Sister Jacobsmeyer (the one from Aunt Jo's ward) so hopefully I'll get to do an exchange with her (versus the other STL over us, her companion). That would be really fun! 
Sorry my mind is drawing a blank on all the wonderful things that happened this week. It has been great though! I miss you all and love you all very much! Can't wait to skype (or google+) with you soon!
It is amazing how the Lord knows all his children perfectly. There have been so many people this week that I've met that have been in contact with missionaries or with the church before. Even if they are not interested I know the Lord is preparing them for the day when they will be ready to embrace the gospel. A couple transfers ago we tracted into this Less-active. He hasn't been to church since he was baptised basically, but he seems really eager to come back and to bring his girlfriend. We had a great lesson with them yesterday. He said the first time we met him he was having a really rough day and then we ran into him and his girlfriend in the street another time when he said he was really struggling. He says he knows it is not a coincidence. I love that he recognizes God's  hand in his life. God is in control of everything. HE loves us! And I love Him! 

Sister Davis


It's coming! The Baby's coming!!!!!

Dear Family, 

For some reason I did not connect that your due date is this week!!!! I knew it was soon but I didn't connect that it was this soon!! I can't wait!! You look so pregnant, Julie. I'm glad you could finally experience a real pregnancy ;). Please send lots and lots and lots of pictures next week :) I'm praying all goes well and that it is smoother and quicker than last time (but hopefully not as quick as I came out; you don't want a bruised baby). 

I LOVE the easter video the church put out. We've been able to show it to many people and every time I feel the spirit so strong. #BecauseofHim
I hope you all had a very HAPPY EASTER!!! 
We had a great Easter. It was funny because Saturday night Sister P and I wanted to pop in a store and get some easter candy to celebrate Easter. In Ilford there are little convenient shops EVERYWHERE!!! Seriously there are always like 5 right next to each other. So we figured that we could just quick get some during our dinner time. Well, it took most of our dinner time because we couldn't find any anywhere. I guess we didn't really consider that we live in little Middle East and everyone is Muslim so of course there wouldn't be lots of Easter things in shops. But thankfully we were able to find some. And then we got lots of things from members. so that was really fun. 
Sacrament meeting was great, in the best of Ilford ways. Sister Stevenson was giving a talk, but she completely lost her voice so her husband read her talk for her. IT was pretty funny because they are very different in their vernacular and Sister Stevenson stood up there with him and kept making hand motions to try and make it more exciting in the way she would have talked. It was really cute. 
My favourite part was the Sacrament and how much love I felt for Jesus Christ. I thought about how last Easter I was sitting in sacrament meeting in Las Vegas for the last time before my mission. I just am so lucky to be here! I am so lucky to get to teach people about their Saviour and share a message of hope and joy! I am so lucky to get to experience the love that Heavenly Father has for his children! I just felt so much love for the people, especially Ilford ward. They are quirky and often remind me of the many "characters" we had in Sun Valley Ward, but I just love them so so much! And I know that it is going to be so hard for me to leave next transfer. Yup, I'm staying here another transfer! 5 transfers (that's 7 1/2 months!).
 I actually knew a week ago that I would be staying. We talked to President last week and he told us that Sister Pagofie would be going back to the visitors Centre. He said, "I hope you like Ilford because I'm going to ask you to stay another transfer." I love Ilford, so I was fine with it! And It was nice to know before so that I didn't prepare myself to be going and then be staying. And now I know that I'm for sure leaving next transfer so I can start preparing myself now, literally and mentally, especially emotionally. It's going to be so hard to leave this place. I think about how hard it was to leave Gillingham. I still love Gillingham so much. I was really jealous because both the Elders that came to Ilford the same transfer as me are going to... Gillingham District. One is serving in the same ward I was in and one is going to another ward in that District. They are going to love it! 
I am getting an African companion from Manchester, Sister Wen!! Another Brit! I'm so excited!!!!!! I am so so so sad that Sister Pagofie is leaving, but atleast I know I'll get to see her again since she'll be at the Visitors Centre. And I've only heard great things about Sister Wen so I'm very excited! 
We are working with so many great people. We were contacted this week by a woman we had breifly met on the bus one Saturday after football. She was eager to meet with us and we have had two brilliant lessons with her. Her names is Rani (Ronny). She is a Sikh from India, but her father and brother passed away a few years ago and she has really wanted to learn about Christianity and more about life after death. She loves the Book of Mormon already and it was amazing to hear her pray for the first time. She is already building great relationships with the members. I'm so excited to see her progress! She also asked for a Hindi BoM so she can send it to her sister in India!!! She is golden!
We got some great new resources so we started our own mini visitors centre in Ilford- thanks to Sister P's VC expertise. We were able to get a couple great new investigators. 
We had a fun time dressing up in appropriate Ilford attire and trying to make some Naan bread (?I think that's how it's spelt). We also made mini German pancakes for Easter. They turned out great! 
We just overall had a stellar week. It's been a brilliant way to end our great two transfers together! I wish I had time to give you all the details, but time is running out! 
I am so grateful for the gospel. I am grateful that God is in charge. He knows us perfectly. He gives us perfectly tailored challenges to help us perfectly grow into the perfect people he knows we have the potential to become. And he also gives us perfectly tailored blessings. I know Jesus Christ is my Saviour! He lives and loves me and He knows me perfectly. 
With transfers and all the changes I love this quote from conference "There are no true endings, Only everlasting beginnings!"  -President Uchtdorf

I love you!!!!! 
Sister Davis 

P.S. I'll just send lots of pictures to try and sum up our fun, miraculous, brilliant week!