Sunday, May 4, 2014

Bear with pacience your afflictions

Dear Family, 

I am gutted that Julie hasn't had her baby yet. I have been excited all week and could not wait to hear the news today. I guess the Lord is just teaching me patience. That would be fun if he/she is born on Spencer's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPENCER!!!!!! Hope it's a BRILLIANT birthday! 

Ilford is still great. Sister Wen is great. She has been out for 10 months. She is actually from Liverpool, but her parents are from South Africa and Zimbabwe. She is a convert. She was baptised when she was 19, but was going to church like a member for quite a few years (she's 24). She is the only member in her family, but she is so strong. We have lots of fun! I learn so much from her! 
yesterday we had our Ward Conference. It was really great! Amarjeet bore his testimony. He was so nervous to get up in front of everyone but he did such a great job! And Amaya's dad, Charitch (RC for about 1 year) bore his too for the first time and it was great! 
The work is going well. We are finding lots of great people to teach. Because everyone works so much and is always busy in London it is sometimes hard for them to progress, but I know we will see fruits of all our efforts. 
Please pray for Salma. She is having a really hard time giving up smoking. She just really needs  the will power to be able to give it up.  
Transfers was fun! I got to see a lot of my old companions. I was especially excited to see Sister Greenfield. It has been AGES since I've seen her and we had such a fun time catching up! Also, the new STL over my area is Sister Jacobsmeyer (the one from Aunt Jo's ward) so hopefully I'll get to do an exchange with her (versus the other STL over us, her companion). That would be really fun! 
Sorry my mind is drawing a blank on all the wonderful things that happened this week. It has been great though! I miss you all and love you all very much! Can't wait to skype (or google+) with you soon!
It is amazing how the Lord knows all his children perfectly. There have been so many people this week that I've met that have been in contact with missionaries or with the church before. Even if they are not interested I know the Lord is preparing them for the day when they will be ready to embrace the gospel. A couple transfers ago we tracted into this Less-active. He hasn't been to church since he was baptised basically, but he seems really eager to come back and to bring his girlfriend. We had a great lesson with them yesterday. He said the first time we met him he was having a really rough day and then we ran into him and his girlfriend in the street another time when he said he was really struggling. He says he knows it is not a coincidence. I love that he recognizes God's  hand in his life. God is in control of everything. HE loves us! And I love Him! 

Sister Davis


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