Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dear Family!
Mom, It was fun to know that a member here got to talk to my wonderful mother. I don't think he knows how lucky he is. It made me ponder about how regular people (non-missionaries) don't necessarily realize how lucky they are that they can communicate with their families basically anytime they like, especially with the amazing technology we have these days. And then I thought about how many people don't realize how lucky they are that they can communicate with their Heavenly Father anytime, anywhere, for as long as they'd like, without any unanswered calls, any dropped signals, any breaking up,etc. It's amazing!! I am so grateful that I can talk to my Heavenly Father always, and I am grateful too that I can contact you once a week!
I should have clarified about football. It's actually soccer. haha. Sorry. I guess British culture is really sinking deep. It's been really fun though. The Elders do play intense, but we haven't had any potential injuries or anything. And I must add that being a member of "the wall" has really equipped me with sweet defence skills! 
To clear things up with Hassan. He is a muslim. He met the missionaries on the street and has been meeting with us at the church. He was worried that his landlord might kick him out if he knew he was changing to be a christian. Most muslims are REALLY against Christians, especially back in the middle east. He is still in England, but we've had a hard time meeting up with him because of his busy schedule. 
We had a killer week. We almost hit all the numbers for standards of excellence and either hit our goals or exceeded them. We saw so many miracles and met so many great new people. We are teaching two friends Neli (from Cameroon) and Kizito (from Nigeria). They keep saying they will come to church but then things get in the way, aka Satan. We have been doing everything we can to help them understand the importance of coming to church and they said they really wanted to. We called them Saturday night and arranged a time to go by Sunday morning. We called them Sunday morning and no answer. So we went by at the planned time. No answer. We stayed there as long as we could and kept calling them. Nothing. I was a bit disappointed. We had really done everything we could. Then we got a call during Relief Society (our ward is backwards so RS is first, then Sunday School, then sacrament Meeting). It was from a man we had met at the bus stop the night before and he had come to church and was looking for us to know where to go. Miracle #1. We hadn't even talked to him for that long, but he came to church and loved it! Then a member of the other ward (they were having sacrament meeting) came and told us that a couple had come looking for us. It was Neli and Kizito!!! I was so excited!!!!!! I know that as we did everything that we could, the Lord did the rest! Miracle #2. 
Frankin is still progressing. He is still hesitant and we're not sure why. He's been praying but doesn't feel like he has gotten his answer. I hope that he can receive it and recognize it! I know that he will get baptised. I just hope it will be sooner rather than later. He is so wonderful and I know that he will be blessed so much as he makes those covenants. And he will be a great member missionary. He already has referred several people to us. Emerjeet (who we found out spells his name Amerjeet..oops) is doing amazing. He has started a new job which makes it a bit more difficult to meet with him, but he loves meeting with us and has started asking us when he can meet with us rather than the other way around. 
The Lord really is blessing us. Including with the weather; the weather has been so mild. Everyone says it is such a mild winter for England. However, rumour on the street is that it might snow this week. It's likely because this morning it was super foggy and frost everywhere! I hope it does snow just for a bit because that would be exciting and Sister Stoja has never experienced real snow. She's just seen it on the mountains. 
The Book of Mormon is true. This church is true. I know that God's plan is for our happiness and that in His Holy temples families can be sealed together forever. 
I love you!
Love, Sister Davis 

p.s. Funny story: after football (soccer) we were going to have a munch and mingle with the members and investigators that came. Well, the member in charge had an emergency come up so we couldn't but I had made a cake and brought it for the munch and mingle so we all decided to go back to the church to enjoy the cake. We got the bus back to the church with Frankin. And we were waiting for the Elders to come open the church. Sister Stoja asked me where I had put the cake. And then I realized... it was on the bus!! Ooops.  It was pretty funny though. All the Elders were super bummed about it. I just took it as an indication that I was focusing on the right things, like talking with Frankin and trying to understand more about his situation and concerns, rather than on cake. haha. Hopefully someone found it and enjoyed it.

Here is Shayla's conversion story that she sent me. She said I could share it with all of you! :)

Here is a copy of my conversion story:
I had not been bought up in any church or religion and for the majority of my life it was a topic I hadn't given much thought to. However,  I had started to become curious about religion and began to think about what I believe in. I started to think about attending church but I wasn't sure where to start and felt too shy to just walk into any church.  Then one day in July I was walking home from work when two missionaries started to talk to me about religion, what I believed in and what experience I had had of church before. Usually I would have made an excuse and walked away but there was something that made me stay and continue to talk to them. They both had a calmness about them and such a strong belief and confidence  in what they were telling me that I accepted their offer to meet again and read the leaflet that they gave me.
When I read the leaflet I felt very peaceful and calm and it felt like everything in it just made sense and was familiar and that I knew it already. I felt that I wanted to find out more. On my next meeting with the missionaries I was given the Book of Mormon and began to read this.
After meeting with the missionaries a few more times they approached the subject of baptism. I immediately knew that I wanted to be baptised. I attended the church for the first time after making that decision. I was a little bit overwhelmed at first as there was a lot to take in but I enjoyed it and everyone was very welcoming and friendly.
I kept meeting with the missionaries to prepare for my baptism and I visited the home of one of the church members for further lessons, I was really looking forward to being baptised.
On the 21st September 2013 I was baptised. I remember feeling both calm and alive when I was baptised.
I know that I got baptised quite quickly but for me I felt that it was the perfect time. From my very early meetings with the missionaries I knew that what I was being taught was true.
I am so glad that I have joined the church. I feel that it has given me direction and shown me why I am here and what purpose I have. I have also met some of the nicest people and everyone has been so welcoming and supportive and willing to teach me and answer questions.  I have now received my temple recommend and am waiting for an opportunity to visit the temple.
I hope this is ok I think I have included everything. 
Love from

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Birthday Buffet!

Hiya Fam!

This week has flown by, but been really exhausting. I feel like we didn't really get anything done, but that's just because we slowed down a bit these past few days because I've caught a bit of a cold and so we haven't done as much as we normally would. I'm not sick sick, but my brain just doesn't work as fast as it normally does and it just makes everything... interesting. Sister Stoja has been really good to put up with my lack of brain. And the Lord is still blessing us lots. He truly knows what our best is and will make up for what we can't do. We've had so many wonderful lessons this week though. The Lord really has blessed us with so many wonderful people to teach. Emerjeet is amazing! He says he really feels he's ready to be baptised. He just really wants to feel his family's support. So please pray for him and for his family! He is feeling the spirit so much and really is recognizing the difference it makes in his life. I love that the really solid investigators will always tell us that they haven't really had much time to read the Book of Mormon, only for us to find out that they read several chapters but they just don't consider that enough. Brilliant! Emerjeet is that way. And he got a Joseph Fielding Smith manual and loves it! I'm pretty sure he'll have the whole thing read before his baptism. Another investigator, Frankin, told us this week that he knows the Book of Mormon is true!! That is one of t he sweetest things anyone can every say. He still has a couple concerns about baptism that we haven't quite figured out, but hopefully the spirit will help us to help him. 
It was Sister Stoja's birthday this week (Wednesday). I tried my very best to make it a fun and memorable day for her. I think it was. It was really funny though. For lunch, we went to this global buffet across from the chapel (she could get in for free since it was her birthday). We had a dinner appointment with the Stevenson's that night. About an hour before our dinner appointment, they texted us to let us know that as a birthday treat they had gotten reservations at.... the global buffet across from the chapel. ahahaha. I thought it was hilarious! Thankfully I hadn't eaten myself sick the first time we went and so it was fine,but I don't want to do a buffet twice in one day again any time soon. It was cool though because at dinner time they have more selections of food and so many more desserts! 
Zone Conference was BRILLIANT!! I always love it so much! President and Sister Jordan are the best! Sister Jordan went through some of Nephi's experiences with us. It is amazing how even though we've all heard his stories so many times, there is still so many new principles I get out of it every time. She was talking about how he would go up to the mountain to pray and said that Altitude and Attitude affect our Aptitude! I love that! The rest of the conference was focused on finding and teaching families. I am so grateful to have the best family ever and to have that sure knowledge that the gospel blesses families. I know t hat because I experience that. The gospel blesses our family so much and in so many ways. And I know there are so many families out there that need these blessings. And it's all of our responsibility to help them to find it. 
We've started playing football with the Elders and investigators, recent converts, less actives, and members on Saturdays. There was a Columbian family there on Saturday and I got to put a little of my spanish to practice. It was fun though and the weather was gorgeous! The morning have been so lovely. IT gets cold at night, but nothing I can't handle (that is with the help of the Lord of course; on my own, I would be freezing!! but He really is blessing me with an ability to cope with it and with a fairly mild winter for England's standards). Besides, I'm not gonna lie, sometimes when it's cold and wet and we're tracting, I love to just soak in the moment of being cold and wet and on the Lord's errand. I may sound crazy, but there just is something so special about it and I wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. 
We had this fabulous lesson this week with Virette and Jade (the mom and her lesbian daughter). We've really been praying for them and pondering to know how we can help them to really feel the spirit and have a desire to progress. We felt that we might have to drop them this lesson if they weren't really committing. The member we had hoped to come with us couldn't and so we invited another member that in the past we have been nervous to bring because we weren't sure how well Virette would get a long with her. But Linda, like you were saying, the Lord knows what he is doing and really makes situations the way He needs them to be. We prayed all day for that lesson (it was our last lesson of the day) and boy did the Lord answer our prayers. The member was PERFECT for them. She had some experiences and background that neither of us knew about but that was just what Virette and Jade needed. And Virette loved her! They got on so well and she wants that member to come back with us! The spirit was there so strong. We read The Family:A Proclamation to the World. And I just can't even explain how much the lesson was an answer to prayers and what a miracle it was. This is the Lord's work and I'm just grateful I get to see all the miracles and all the ways He reaches out and cares for each of his children. 
The Book of Mormon is true. This church is true. Jesus Christ is truly my Saviour. 
I love you!! 
Love, Sister Davis

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Loving Life in London!

Dear Family, 
I'm getting old. New Years Eve went something like this. Going to bed at 10:30pm, Sister Stoja walking me up at 11:50 to welcome in the new year (I was so tired I didn't even hear the alarm go off), me groggily wishing her a happy new year, watching about 5 fireworks go off with my eyes half shut, and going back to bed right after 12. I was exhausted! And I value any sleep that I can get. It was still a great New Years. I'm a missionary and I have so much to be grateful for! 
Mom, I really am trying to make the most of the time I have to study. The past couple weeks I've really been making an added effort to get more out of it and try and have specific questions as I study. I am seeing what a great difference it can make! Hopefully I can still be blessed with the time to have a decent study when I get home. I am glad the temple went well. It really is so amazing that all the youth that I graduated seminary with have been through the temple. Dad, you're right. I have been blessed with great friends in this ward (and to think that at first I wasn't too thrilled about moving.. thanks for listening to the spirit and not to me :)) The Lord knows what we need. Dad, thank you for being willing to sacrifice and for working at the cafeteria. I know the Lord will bless you. I am really looking forward to going to the temple again! This week my study has brought me to ponder on the things taught in the temple. I can't wait to go again and learn more! Well, I can wait but I am really looking forward to when I can go again! We are so blessed to have a temple so close! Mom, I am so  happy that you joined the polar bear club! Thanks for doing it in my honour. You're the best! And I am really excited to hear that the mission plaque hasn't been done yet so you can put the big ben picture! The scripture is perfect. To update you on Hassan, unfortunately he has to go back to packistan next week because his visa expires. He is having to completely support himself since his family isn't happen with his Christian beliefs and so he is having to work all the time and so we never get to see him, but we still keep contact over the phone. He is staying strong and continuing to read and pray. I just pray that all continues to go well for him when he goes back home! 

This week we had a mission-wide conference call because we had a mission wide fast to start the new year and to fast to reach our year goal of 700 baptisms! President Jordan was saying that in December as a mission as a whole, we had kind of slacked off and overall our numbers were down and that it seems many missionaries had used Christmas as a reason to not work as hard. Then... Sister Stoja and I got a shout out! President Jordan told our numbers to the whole mission and said that it was clear that we had continued to work hard and be diligent even during the holiday season (we did have a REALLY BRILLIANT week! the Lord blessed us a lot!!) It was really awesome.. and unexpected to hear President Jordan talking about us to the entire mission. It just gave me a chance to reflect again and really see how much the Lord did bless us and continues to bless us for our hard work. And Sister Stoja commented that it wasn't just with investigators and great lessons that the Lord had blessed us, but she said that she didn't even have time to get homesick but could find joy in the season! It is true. When we forget ourselves and focus on bringing others closer to our Saviour, we are blessed in a multitude of ways! I am just so grateful I get to be a recipient of these blessings and be an instrument in the hand of God. 
I can't remember if I've told you about Emerjeet Singh yet. Well, he is from India and comes from a Sikh background. We found church! A couple Sundays ago, we had gotten to church much earlier than we expected and there was a man sitting in the chapel. We went and said hello and then found out that it was his first time there and that he had just walked in because he felt it might be a place he could feel peace. We started teaching him right then and have been teaching him ever since. He has such an amazing receptiveness to the spirit. He always talks about how good he feels. He doesn't speak the best English, but he doesn't have to in order to be taught by the spirit. It's amazing to see how much he is desiring to learn more and more and to see how happy it is helping him to be. His faith is growing so much and although he knows he will face some social challenges, he has a strong desire to be baptised! 
Also, Sister Larson told me our investigator Kevin in Gillingham has finally accepted a date to get baptised!!!!!!! That makes me so happy!!! I'm so grateful I could get to know him and have the opportunity to help teach him before I left. Missionary work really does bring so much joy! 
Everything is going so well. I am seeing so many miracles in the work and in myself, feeling the spirit so much, learning more and more every day, and coming closer to my Heavenly Father and Saviour. I just have so much to be grateful for and a wonderful year to look forward to!!
This gospel is real. Keep living it and finding joy in it! 
I love you and your Heavenly Father and Saviour love you!
Sister Davis xoxoxox

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year!!!!

Hiya Fam! 
Thanks for your letters and thanks again for skyping with me!! It was the best Christmas gift ever! I'm glad you all are doing well! 
I'm glad you all are enjoying the Christmas holidays and that the trip home went well.  New Year's Eve here sounds pretty much the same as everywhere. Most people go out and drink and members get together with family and friends and eat food. I haven't heard wnything different that happens, but I guess I'll find out tonight. Well, kind of. We have to be home by 7:30 (so we're not out with all the drunk people) so we'll just have a little New Year's Eve party of our own. Boxing Day was fun. We got to watch Despicable Me2. So cute! I loved it! We didn't go shopping with the Elders to the big mall but we went to the mall in Ilford and it was CRAZY! It was like our Black Friday. Lots of sales and too many people. The Elders said the mall was just jam packed with people. They couldn't even go into some of the stores because it was so crowded.  I'm sorry to hear about the non-Christmas sacrament meeting on Sunday (although I'm glad Grandma's ward was so wonderful). If it makes you feel better we didn't get to sing Christmas songs either. And it was worse. For the closing hymn, we sang hymn number 40. Since the chorister wasn't there, they asked me to conduct the music. I have never sung that song before in my life.... and neither had anyone else in the ward. I don't know who chose it but the organist didn't really know it either and no one in the ward was singing. It was a pretty dismal way to end the meeting. We had some investigators there for the first time. Hopefully they were still able to feel the spirit of the rest of the meeting. Relief Society and Priesthood was especially wonderful. They had asked us missionaries to do a presentation. I think it went really well. We showed some videos from Hastening the Work of Salvation. And we talked about how as missionaries we are here to help the members with THEIR missionary work, not for them to be helping us with our work. The spirit was there very strong.  I remember talking with Shayla before I left Gillingham and she said how excited she was to have a Christmas that really means something. It's so important to keep Christ in Christmas. That's what it really is all about and it's when we remember the reason for the season that we get the fullness of Joy the season is meant to bring. 
The work here is going so brilliantly! We are seeing so many miracles and meeting so many wonderful, prepared people! 
This week we've  had the miracles of referrals. We got a referral from the Watford Elders. His name is Frankin and he's from Cameroon, studying HR Management here. He is great. He's so prepared and I know once he gets his witness that the Book of Mormon is true he will be the best member ever. We had another lesson with him on Saturday and he said that he had invited two of  his friends to come along. It was amazing! The spirit was there so strong during the lesson. The members that came with us asked us if they could come back the next time we taught them! One of his friends is also from Cameroon and studying HR Management. He is great as well. This friend was participating the most during gospel principles on Sunday. This week we also found some old referrals that the office had sent. It was a whole pile of them and none of them had any notes of being contacted (we're suppose to note what happened with the referral and send it back to the office). We felt that we should contact all of these referrals and see if they were interested or if they had even been contacted. One of these referrals was for Neli. When we called her and she heard who we were she got so excited! She said that yes, we definitely needed to come see her and she was going to bring a friend as well (another referral). We went to teach her and her friend on Sunday. Neli is from Cameroon and studying HR Management. Sound familiar?! We asked her if she knows Frankin... she does! What a small world. So we've decided we just need to teach the entire HR Management class and get them all baptised. Her and her friend are also very receptive! Another referral from the pile was Joseph. When we knocked on Joseph's door, he said he had requested a Book of Mormon and no one had brought him one. We set up an appointment to see him. We just taught him this morning. It was wonderful!! And he has a lovely FAMILY!!! YAY!! So many miracles from referrals. This truly is the Lord's work and he is aware of each of his children and will place them in the path of those who will help them find the restored truth. Who has the Lord put in YOUR path that YOU need to reach out to and share this wonderful message with?Let the Lord use you to accomplish His great work!! I promise it's the best!!! 
I really have learned this week how much the Lord is shaping me to be the daughter of God that he needs me to be. He gives each of us experiences so that he can shape us into the person he knows we can be. I'm so grateful for this time that I have to be in the Lord's furnace and for him to be shaping me. And at the same time I get to be an instrument in him shaping others! This is the Lord's work. He is hastening the work of salvation. And if we follow him, we will receive the greatest blessings that he has in store for us, the greatest being eternal life. 
This morning in my personal study I was studying baptism and pondering on why baptism is so essential. I understand all the symbolism behind it, but I guess I was really thinking why covenants are so important. I know that God loves us and really wants what is best for us. He knows that as we make covenants with him that we will work harder to keep them and do what is right (it's like why as missionaries we must commit people to do things because on their own they likely won't do it), and it is a blessings for us that every week we can be reminded and refocus. And D&C 130:20-21 also really stood out to me. The blessings that come from making covenants are the greatest blessings we could ever hope for and strive for and so the Lord must require us to do important things. Hopefully that makes sense. It makes sense in my head but is hard to explain it. I'm just grateful God loves us and knows what we need so that he can bless us the most!!! 
I love this work! I love my Heavenly Father! I love my Savior! And I love all of you!! 
Keep being the wonderful people that you are! 
Sister Davis

P.S. Isn't it so crazy that Saturday I'm half way?!! Where is the time going? I don't know, but I'm loving every second of it!! :) Although I can't wait to be with all of you again, I'm so happy that I still have 9 more months of being a full-time representative of my Savior! I'm going to keep making the most of it! Lots of love xoxox