Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ilford: No heating, mice, and a whole lot of Muslims.

Dear Family, 
Ilford is CRAZY! Really crazy! But I love it!! Dad, you asked what is different and it's just about everything. It is so so different from Gillingham. There are three sets of missionaries in the ward: 2 sets of Elders (2 from Utah, 1 from Australia, and 1 from California). They seem to be doing pretty well with bringing people into the ward, but apparently retention is no bueno in the ward. It's sad really. But hopefully we can help make some really good changes. The ward is really good, although I still don't really know most of them. There are so many different cultures there (which is very different since most members in my other areas have been English). Our Bishop is African and there are lots of Africans in the ward, there's English, people from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, America, etc. It's a true London experience now. There are SO many Indians here. Most people are Muslim, but there are also lots  of Seeks and Hindus; most Africans are Christian. I really feel like everything is different from where I was before. Which is exciting! I do miss some things from Gillingham, but I don't really feel like it's even fair to compare the two. I get to ride a red double-decker bus EVERYDAY!!! I am in London!!! And now that I'm close to London I'll get to have a p-day in London!!!! I'm so excited!! 
Sister Stoja is my companion from Tirane, Albania. Her parents converted when she was just a baby so she's grown up in the church. She has been out three months (just finished 12 week training) and speaks really good English. Uncle Bob, what else would you like to know about Albania? That's great to look for opportunities to have casual conversations about the gospel. She's great. 

In other exciting news, when I got to my new home in Ilford there was NO heating. AND it's FREEZING!!!! I didn't sleep well at all the first two nights even with being all bundled up and having like three blankets. But it's ok because it's all fixed now and we have a nice toasty warm home. Sister Stoja said the heating has never worked but her last companion just never called the landlord about it. I don't know why they didn't call or how they survived. I called after my first night and thankfully they got it fixed right away (it was such an easy fix too, if I knew anything about heating I could have fixed it. It was just pushing a button- I'm sure there are many gospel analogies you can get out of this.) So don't worry, I'm not freezing anymore. BUT Mom, you would die in our flat.. there is mice!! I am dying in our flat with mice. They had two that they caught before I came and then discovered shortly before I came there was another one. We caught that one but then the other day we found some bread eaten that lets us know there is atleast another one :( Opposition in ALL things I guess. haha. 
So I know the new hunger games movie is coming out because there are posters for it everywhere. I really liked a quote on one though (maybe it's on all of them but I don't pay attention to them) "Remember who the enemy is." I thought it was very applicable for each of us. We have to remember who the enemy is. We always have to have our guard up and be aware of the attacks that Satan will throw at us. Especially as we know that the times are getting worse and worse and Satan is obviously raising his efforts, that means we have to raise our's too. But along with remembering who the enemy is, we also must remember whose side we are on; the winning team: God's side; And if any of us are ever making choices that would suggest that we aren't on God's side then we need to make a change if we want to come out conqueror over the enemy. 
Amongst all the many muslims here, there is a fabulous Muslim named Hassan that we are teaching. He is amazing!! He is sacrificing SO much to learn about the gospel and take steps to follow Jesus Christ. It really is humbling to see the trust he is taking in turning to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. It can be quite dangerous for Muslims to leave their religion. We have a member of our ward who came from a Muslim family and in a lesson with HAssan he was sharing about his experience. It really is so inspiring to see how much people are willing to sacrifice to worship the true and living God and come closer to their Savior. Please pray for Hassan. We have given him a date of the 15th of December. I hope and pray taht he can make it!! I know that with God's help, he can! 
I've met so many great people already. We are working to build our teaching pool and find people that will really progress. Prays would be so wonderful!! I love having so many new people to talk to. I felt like in Gillingham that I had talked to most people there; I would always run into people I had talked to before. And here there are just so many people all the time. It's great! And I just love how new and exciting everything is. And it's amazing that even though so many people here are Muslim or of a different religion and maybe aren't as eager to talk with us, I just LOVE it! I just can't stop smiling. Being a missionary is the best!! And I know that the message that I share is true. I know there are people who have a desire to hear this message, and I know as I do everything within my power to share it with others that the Lord will place those who are prepared in our path. 
In a conversation I had with a Muslim this week, it made me so grateful for my knowledge of personal revelation. He kept telling me that I needed to read the Quaran and then I could know that Jesus Christ was really just a prophet and not the Son of God(crazy talk). I asked him if he had ever prayed and asked God if the Quaran was true and if Jesus Christ was really a prophet. He said no, that I just needed to read the Quaran and I could understand the truth, but although he said that prayer was so important, he said that he had never asked God about the truth of anything; he just took what the Quaran said as truth. I am so grateful to know that Heavenly Father loves us so much that we can asked him the truth of anything and everything and that if we ask with a sincere heart and real intent then we can know the truth of ALL things. I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that he is my Savior. I love him so dearly for what he has done for me and what he continues to do for me everyday. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. I have prayed about it and through personal revelation I know that it is true. And I know that every person can know this truth for themselves. And I pray that everyone can know this truth for themselves because it is amazing!! 

I love you all!!!!!! 
Love, Sister Davis 
I forgot to put my new address in my email. 

Here it is:
3 Clandon Road
London IG3 8BB

P.S. Sister Som is in my district!! It was so fun to see her at district meeting!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Magical Land of London

Dear Family,
You are the best! I just love hearing from you every week.
Also, I think I've officially decided on the scripture for my placque: Alma 26:12 (and maybe if you wanted to include a couple lines from vs. 11 starting with "behold, my joy is full...")
This week was amazing! Sister Larson and I were on fire with our finding. We found some really good people, including a former investigator from my first transfer here. He was amazing, but then we just couldn't make contact with him. We saw him on the high street the other day and are starting to teach him again. He also introduced us to his friend. I don't know how interested his friend is, but he sure made for a crazy lesson and he's funny. He was trying to discuss (moreso argue) a point with us. We were just really confused and trying to get him to explain better. Finally he just said "I don't even know what I'm trying to say so I can't help you to understand what I'm trying to say." haha. Later after we had taught about our purpose and the Book of Mormon he said "well, your Jesus sounds spot on." Awesome. Even though he may be a bit crazy, atleast he can recognize truth. Truth will prevail.
We found out we get to keep teaching Elliot even though he lives in London South. We got permission from Pres. Jordan!!
I got to be Sister Larson's mom this week. She's been having trouble breathing and she finally gave in to the fact that she needed to go to the doctors. Her family doesn't go to the doctor for anything (hence why she's NEVER had an eye exam) and she really hasn't ever had a real dr's visit, just for her mission papers. So she was a bit nervous about it, but I held her hand through it and she survived. She came out with an inhaler and has been doing much better so we're guessing she has some mild asthma although the doctor said all the tests were fine.
In exciting news!!!! I got to go to London this week!!! Not just for a missionary meeting, but to actually do proselyting!! IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!! I loved it! We had a workover with the Sister Training Leaders. One came and worked in Gillingham with Sister Larson and I went to London to work with Sister Portillo, from Bolivia. So fun! And Linda, I got to teach a Peruvian!! There is this amazing family who Sister Portillo is teaching in Spanish. Sadly my spanish isn't good enough to teach any doctrine in spanish... I just taught simply in English, but I was able to talk a bit in spanish and I could understand almost everything they were saying in Spanish. It was so cool. I got to ride on a RED double decker bus! And I got to see big ben and the London eye... we ran there for exercise in the morning!
Also, speaking of Spanish speakers, we have this awesome friend, Leonardo from Ecuador, who plays pipes on the high street (Linda, like the pipes you brought back with you). It's funny because he doesn't really play any actual songs he just randomly makes sounds on his pipes with long pauses in between and then has a CD of a song playing the background.
So the news you've all been waiting for....
I am leaving the blessed land of Gillingham. I knew this day was coming, but it doesn't even seem real. It has been a wonderful 6 months here and I am so grateful for all the wonderful people I could meet and teach and help come closer to Christ. Sister Larson is staying here and getting a companion from Brazil, Sister Oliveira.  I am going to Illford (where every Sister missionary gets fat :( ). But I am so excited! Apparently there are lots of Africans there! I've talked to a lot of people who have served there and they love it so I am really looking forward to it. And although I will really miss Gillingham, I think I am ready for a change of scenery. I am grateful for teh many wonderful experience and growth I could have here, but I know it's time for something new and an opportunity for new growth and experiences. I am going to be companions with a sister from Albania! I can't remember her name, sorry. Should be fun! I'll be able to tell you more about her and Illford and the wonderful people there next week!!!
This work is amazing! I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior. I know that my Heavenly Father is there and that he loves me and wants me to be happy; that is what He wants for ALL of his children! And I get to be a part of bringing that to them! What a blessing! The Book of Mormon is true! Everyone should read it and pray about it. It will change their lives! I know it has changed mine and continues to help me change to become more like my Savior everyday that I read from its pages.
I love you all!!!
Love, Sister Davis 


Sunday, November 10, 2013

I like to look for rainbows because there's so much rain

Dear Family,
 Miracle of the week: MISSY GOT BAPTISED!!!!!!!
On Thursday (when we normally teach her), her dad called to cancel since it was halloween and she was going to a friend's. But then he told us that her mom had softened her heart and was ok with Missy being baptised. Not only was she ok with it, but she wanted it and wanted it done soon as possible. So we had two days to put a baptism together. It was a bit stressful, but it all worked out. We were just so thrilled and grateful for our prayers to be answered! And she got to get the gift of the Holy Ghost on her birthday. What fun! Her brother (who was baptised about a month ago) spoke at her baptism and did such a sweet job!
We have not been able to get in touch with Lakota :( We sent him a letter. We just hope he is ok because he didn't seem like the type who would just ignore us.
Rudy is facing some challenges but he is still doing pretty well. We went with him and his children to the fireworks for Bonfire Night. Bonfire Night is a holiday in England. I don't really understand what it's about, but they light bonfires and do fireworks. The fireworks show was really cool! But it was literally cool too; it was freezing. Winter is here. I hate it, but I'm surviving.
We have a really wonderful new investigator this week, Kevin. He came to church yesterday and really enjoyed it. He's older and so I think it will be a bit slower of a process for him because change is a bit hard for him, but he is really open and doing well.
Shayla is amazing! We haven't seen her for awhile because she was sick and then she went on holiday. We saw her this week and she is so excited for Christmas. She was asking us about where she can read about it in the Book of Mormon. She said that she's really excited for it now because now that she's Christian it really means something. When we met up with her to walk to church, we were just a little bit late and when we walked up she was waiting there reading the Book of Mormon!!
Elliot, the boyfriend of a girl in our ward, is GOLDEN! HE is so prepared and so eager to learn and prepare for baptism. BUT.... we can't teach him :( He lives in Maidstone, which is in London South and so we have to pass him over to those missionaries. So sad.
Halloween isn't really that big here. A few people dress up but most people don't even do anything for the holiday.
Sorry this email is probably a bit all over the place. I can't really think and my stomach has started not feeling good as I'm writing (don't worry Mom)... Anyway, just know that things are going well.
Transfers are next week, so I'll be emailing on Tuesday!
One more quick thought: So yesterday, Sister Larson and I were tracting. Most people just sent us away because they were having tea (that's what they call dinner). We finally got to a door where someone would talk to us. It was an older teenage boy. He said that he didn't have any belief in God and that he never wondered about it, about the purpose of life, or about really anything that we teach people about. Sister Larson and I both bore our testimonies and taught about prayer. The boy just said, "I think that is stupid." Not really the response we were hoping for. But it really just hit me how grateful I am that I know that not only is God there, but he is my Heavenly Father and He loves me. He wants me to communicate with him. He wants me to be happy. I know He wants that for all of His children, but he also will let them choose whether or not they want it and that means that some won't choose that. I'm grateful I have the choice to choose to believe in Heavenly Father! I know that He is there. He cares about each one of us and He hears and answers our prayers! It's our job to share this good news with everyone, but it's not our job to force them to accept it. Which goes back to Kevin; he says that when he first met us, he liked talking to us because we didn't force anything at him like another religion he mentioned, that I won't. He continually mentions as we meet with him that he loves that we just share and don't push him into anything. This is the Lord's work. As we reach out in love to His children, if they are prepared, they will want to know more. If they choose not to, the Lord will continue to bless us for our efforts!
I love you all!!
Love, Sister Davis
P.S. Anything specific any of you would like in a Christmas package?

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy

Hiya Fam!!
So the best thing of this week was getting a whole extra hour of sleep Saturday night. A whole hour! IT was glorious! Because America is not the only ones who does silly time changes (who knew, right?-name that movie KRisti.. I'll give you a hint:frying pans). So since we turned back the clocks we got to sleep in an extra hour. However, our phone doesn't automatically change time, which we didn't know and we use the alarm on our phone. So we hopped out of bed at 6:29am only to find out that it really was 5:29 and we got to sleep longer! Ok.. so this really wasn't the best thing of the week, but it was pretty magical. However, I probably could have slept for 10 more hours. 
Zone Conference this week was MARVELOUS! We talked about the great apostasy and how important it is to understand that in order to appreciate and truly understand the importance of the restoration. President Jordan talked to us about the history of gospel doctrine during the great apostasy and it is so interesting to see the valuable simple truths that Satan got the leaders to vote out of Christianity. Firstly being who God and Jesus Christ are, and our eternal relationship with them, existing before we came to this earth. Then we talked about the Hastening the work of Salvation. In case you haven't heard, the Lord is hastening His work. It was so good. The stake presidents from Romford Stake and our stake, Canterbury came and spoke. I LOVE OUR STAKE PRESIDENT. HE IS AWESOME!! He did such a fantastic job. And the best part is that he leads by example. He shared with us a list of friends that he is working with and the progress they are making. It was inspiring to see him not just talking the talk, but taking real action!  He had so many ideas for member work that I am excited to incorporate with the members. He did a really cool demonstration. Him and President Jordan sang the first verse of Brightly Beams our FAther's Mercy. Then they invited whoever wanted to join them to come up. Quite a few did, and they sang the second verse. It was even better than when Him and President Jordan sang it. So then he invited anyone else who wanted to be a part of the last verse to come up. Everyone got up and sang the last verse. The spirit was so strong. And he then talked about how that is how we do missionary work. The stake and the mission come together.. come shoulder to shoulder and get the work started. And then we invited others to join us. And little by little everyone gets excited about the work and wants to join in and be a part of it all. And the results are even better than when we started. It was so powerful. 
Then this weekend, we had Elder Dryden, an area 70 from Leeds come talk to our ward and the other ward in our building. Our stake president, PResident Hunt,  came as well. It was all about hastening the work of salvation. I loved it!! President Hunt did a similar presentation in RS/Priesthood as he did at Zone Conference. It was really neat. Elder Dryden shared some really amazing thoughts, as well. And then he came into our Gospel Principles class. That was really cool to be able to sit in a small setting like that with a man of God. He has such a wonderful spirit. It was really amazing to get to have personal conversation with him....oh, the perks that come from being a missionary! But I am really excited to see the change that will come to missionaries and members working together.
Missy is doing good, but we are still waiting to hear from her mother... We haven't been able to make contact with Lakota, but we will not give up! Rudy is doing pretty well. He has some Word of Wisdom issues that he's struggling with. He did give us his tea and cigarettes though to dispose of (that was weird.. SIster Larson and I felt like sinner just holding the things: I realized that I had never touched a cigarette before. Who knew the first time I did would be on my mission?! haha) We are so excited for some lessons that we are teaching tonight. One is the boyfriend of a girl in our ward. She's been good about talking to him about the gospel and invited him to Stake Conference and he's been going to institute with her (on the Book of Mormon). He has decided that he wants to take the discussions!! It should be really good!And the other lesson is also a friend of a member. The work really is so much better when the members and missionaries are in it together (we're all in this together! So get your H-E-A-D, head in the game. Wookie, wookie :)).
Some days the work is really hard when just NO ONE wants to talk to us, and then the ones that will talk to us feel the need to tell us what we believe (which is always way off!) and then they won't even listen to us explain our beliefs or answer the questions they have, but it's amazing how that all just goes away and is forgotten once we find just one person who we can have a quality gospel conversation with. It's true that the work is not easy, and like Elder HOlland says it's because "salvation is not a cheap experience". I am so grateful to know that this is the Lord's work. That not only is He working to help His children have an opportunity to receive the restored gospel, but He is working to help me to be the disciple that He needs me to be, not just for this mission, but forever. I pray that we may each rise up and be the disciples that He needs as we reach out in love to his children, all those around us. The gospel is true! IT is the way to true happiness!!!
I love you all!
Sister Davis