Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Let us All Press On

Hiya Family,
Sorry that I ran out of time yesterday. This week has been great! There have been some frustrations.. like people not keeping their appts. And lots of people not answering their phones. That's ok though, this week we have lots of appts set up with promising people :). We also had a wonderful experience on Saturday of meeting a Lithuanian woman who has been a member for 16 years. She has been in Northampton for 1 year and never been to church because she didn't know where it was. She said she saw missionaries, but since she doesn't speak English, she never knew how to stop them or let them know. Luckily we stopped her while we were street contacting and Sis Karyan speaks some Russian so they were able to talk and we were able to get her a ride to church on Sunday. She cried because she was so happy to be there. It really strengthened my testimony that each and every soul is great in the sight of God and that reactivating and helping people come back to the church is just as important as introducing people to the church. We also met this boy who has watched the Joseph Smith video on youtube and says that he believes the story. We are hoping to meet with him again today! We've started tracting more. Any ideas for could street contacting questions or for tracting door approaches?? Sis Karyan has never tracted before I came so this is a new experience for both of us and we welcome any ideas for how we can be better. Mom, speaking about weather, there actually hasn't been much rain where I've been. We had a few days of REALLY wonderful, sunshiney weather. Then the next day it was freezing cold and while we were out tracting it hailed for about 2 minutes. The weather here really can change so fast, but I haven't had to many problems with being too cold. I'm grateful for the sunny days we do have. Sis Karyan is really so sweet and patience. She is always so positive and happy which I love. I am definitely blessed to have her as my companion and even though she isn't the most experienced, we are working really well together to learn everything that we can. She told me that she has never worked so hard as she has with me. Hopefully that's a good thing. Since she is still working on improving her English, we have had some really funny moments. One day she asked the boy we stopped what his name is. He said "Bonji" she then was going to ask for his number, but instead said "Bonji, what is your name" We had a good laugh about that. Also, when we were tracting, a man opened the door and asked "So you're selling religion?" She confidently and with a smile said "yes!" But then I had to explained to her what he had said and she just laughed about it. We had a mission wide conference call from Pres Jordan on Friday. It was basically a call to get to work. He reminded us not to stay too long with members and whenever in doubt of what to do just get out of our flats and do work, whatever that may be: street contacting, tracting, etc. We weren't having really any problems with this, but it's always good to have a reminder and to be reminded of the blessings we get when we are faithfully working. He also told us we are down on our numbers for baptisms and that we need to get back on tract. This was good for us to reevaluate our goals and really trust in the Lord that there are families that he is preparing for us. We just need to find them now! The members in this ward really are wonderful. Many of them are facing different challenges of their own, but they still reach out to bring people into the gospel and to help us missionaries any way they can. Linda, I loved your quote about the Lord sending us to succeed here and not to fail. I was reading a scripture this week (my mind is blanking as to the exact scripture) but it talked about how the people didn't see the success of their efforts until after they had worked hard. There are definitely successes I can see know, but I know that the Lord is working greater miracles than I can even see. Sometimes I don't think it has really hit me yet that I am a missionary, but I love that I can go out each day with the power and authority to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our district is really great and the elders are really great and have helped us a lot. We had a great lesson on planning and district meeting last week that has really helped Sis Karyan and I to plan better. What a difference it can make! This week we have zone meeting. That should be really good!! I know that this gospel is true, that Heavenly Father loves each and everyone of us and that he has sent us this restored gospel because he loves us. The Book of Mormon is the evidence of that! How true and powerful that book is! I am grateful for all the blessings Heavenly Father has given me and that he knows my needs better than I do. I love you all so much! I will keep you in my prayers and hope that you can continue to see the Lord's blessings in our lives.
Love, Sister Davis

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

First Few Days in the Field

Hiya Family!
It is so great to hear from you!
Good news- I can now email for 1 1/2 hours! Yay! I can email pretty much anyone (so you can give Austin my email and tell him good luck! He will love the mission) but I would caution to not give everyone my email because I do want to keep you all my priority obviously. So I guess if they want to email they can but I won't guarantee an immediate email back if I have a longer letter to write to you guys or to President Jordan. Also, for your info P-days are Monday. I wish the time difference wasn't so much so that I could be writing you when you were awake but most weeks it will likely be around this time or earlier. So maybe Dad will atleast get them when he's not sleeping ;)
Also if you are interested, a Sister in the ward gave me Sis Jordan's blog- englandlondonmission-jordan.blogspot.co.uk I wish I could've found that before I left but it's ok :) Also this Sister said there is a group on LDS Missionary Moms for UK South group that other missionaries' moms are on and sister Jordan is on that... as well as this Sister from the ward- Sister Gibbons.
Tell McKell I do have their address on that list and I will try to write to her today (soon for sure). You could also give her my email but tell her I might end up handwriting a response depending on time.
Ok, so let me tell you about how my first few days have been- AMAZING! As you know I am in Northampton with Sister Karyan. She is a new trainer and was only in this area for four weeks. Three of those weeks was with a sick companion so she doesn't know the area super well and there are not tons of people set up to teach. That's ok though because we've been able to get some great finding and are meeting with the members and less actives. And already I'm learning the area pretty fast. We ride the bus everywhere and do lots of walking, but I love it because it gives so many opportunities to talk to people. Also, we live really close to Town Centre. It's basically like an outlet mall with tons of shops and lots of people. IT's perfect for street contacting. There is also a library there and that's where we meet lots of people to teach. It's a little weird praying and teaching in a public place like that, but the good thing is that the Spirit is in our message and can be ANYWHERE that we share it. My first real day we went finding and ran into a man named Chris who at first wasn't interested but I told him we just want to share what we know and invite him to come to know for himself. He said ok and we've met with him once. He didn't have tons of time so we just talked about the Book of Mormon and invited him to read and pray. He said that next Sunday he will come to church because he has been to another church once before and liked the feeling. We had an appt with him this morning but he didn't show. I think he just forgot and we couldn't get ahold of him. I really hope that we can share more with him. Funny story: another Sister we are teaching, Kelly, is on her way to baptism. She has the testimony we just need to help her to quit smoking. But we were talking about Law of Chastity and following up about how she was doing with keeping that. She said she had accidentally kissed this boy. We then had to clarify a little bit what the law of chastity is an that a little kiss can be ok. IT reminded me of an episode of the District with some miscommunication about LOC. We are getting lots of dinner appt set up with members. Our first one was with the Gibbons and the food was great! Not bland at all. The dessert was similar to crockpot cake, but not in a crockpot. It was a nice reminder of home. We then were able to teach an investigator in their home. It was amazing!! The church is doing amazing things here in London. You should look up the new advertising the church just lanched here. So great! The Lord is preparing people. And we had a great sacrament meeting yesterday about missionary work and about the members' part in that. I gave my first talk and I think it went well. I spoke and my comp and the two Elders in our ward, Elder Ward (DL) and Elder Toth (from Romania!). There is also a recent convert from Romania, Robert :) Also, I thought you might like to know that my comp and I sang a christmas song for comp study yesterday. it was great! My comp is wonderful. It is a little hard since she is still learning English, but overall her English is great! I know that the Lord put me with her for a reason and so I can help her with her English while she helps me learn how to be a great missionary! Also thanks so much for the letters you wrote in that book you sent me with. It has been a great source of strength and comfort. I know that the Lord is helping to shape me into the missionary that he needs me to be. His work is moving forward and he is preparing people to be taught and baptized and I will do everything to find those people so I can be an instrument in his work! THis gospel is so true and brings so much happiness! Even when people slam the door in our face, I still can't help but smile knowing that this is God's work and that I know his plan for me. I know that Joseph Smith was chosen by God to be a prophet and that the Lord prepared the way for the church to be restored through him. I know the Book of Mormon is true and I'm so grateful for the power that comes from it. I love you all so much! I miss you, but I am so happy to be building the Kingdom of God here in northampton!
I will keep you all in my prayers!
Love, Sister Davis

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Off to London I go!

Hey Family!
I can't believe my time at the MTC is coming to a close. We have a full day tomorrow and then Wednesday morning (early morning) we're headed off to our missions. That's why I'm writing today because we won't get another chance to write and I'm not sure when the Pday is in London. And they just gave us time to send a quick email to let you know that. It is so scary and exciting to think that soon I'll be teaching real people. I just pray that I get blessed with a good trainer. I know the Lord will bless me and that he will qualify me for the work. Thanks for the fast. I am so grateful for all that I have been able to learn while here at the MTC. It really is AMAZING! I can't believe how much my testimony is continually growing and how close I have been able to grow to my Savior. Mom, thanks so much for that talk from Brad Wilcox. It was so good and just what I needed to read this week.
Linda, take 2 of the pictures did work! Thanks! I LOVED it!
Dad, thanks for your testimony and for reminding me to be me :) Sorry that things at the office are still crazy. I've been praying for you and will send more BPs your way. I had a dream about working at the office. It was a little strange. But hopefully things will continue to improve.
Julie, Nathan, and Spencer- glad you had fun at the fair. Spencer, don't grow up too much! And be working to say my name by mother's day ;) 
Robert, yay for graduating! And sadly we haven't been able to go to any church history sites but where we are is beautiful!
We got to watch the other session of conf. Elder Holland's talk was so good! I loved it.
Well, hopefully I'll get to send a real email soon! thanks so much for the emails!
I love you all!
Love, Sister Davis

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Livin' the London Life

Dear Family,
Hopefully I can get this all in because I only have 30 minutes so thanks for not writing to long of letters ;). First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICHARD!! I can't believe you're going to be 18. It's crazy to think that you would be old enouigh to go on your mission this summer. I'll try to be as good of a missionary as I can since you can't be out here. Love you! 
Dad- I did notice the HUGE focus on obedience in conference and know how vital that is to me being a successful missionary. I'm trying to be as obedient as I can. I'm sad that I didn't get to hear Elder Holland. I'm assuming he talked the last session. That was the only one we didn't get to see. Way to take Richard to Conference! I'm glad that went well. It's about time he go now that he's almost 18 :)
Kristi- I'm glad you enjoyed Orff and how exciting that you are signed up for middle school.
Linda- I was so excited when Elder Anderson shared the wilford woodruf story and I knew you guys would be excited too! Keep up a good attitude about work. I know it's a lot and some of it is so frustrating but attitude makes all the difference. You'll be great. I'll definitely send some blessing points your way for UNLV.
Jimmy- keep biking lots and having a good attitude.
Robert and Claire- Congratulations on graduating! Good luck hanging in until the end. And congrats on the job, Robert.
Mom- We leave the MTC next wednesday. So idk how that will work with p-days. Hopefully I'll get to write once I get to London. We are going to the temple this afternoon!!!! CAN'T WAIT!! This is our only P-day here though so I'll only get to go once, but that's better than nothing. I am doing well and haven't been sick at all. I was able to have an appetite on the flights over here and kept it ever since. the food is amazing!! We've had so many different things. I'm pretty sure I've gained some weight because it's so good, but I also have been eating lots because I know that I need it. And you can be proud, I've taken my vitamins everyday! :)
So I love the spirit of the MTC. It's amazing to be here and really understand my purpose as a missionary. I have the best companion! Sister Clark from Glendora, CA. She has so many similary mannerisms to Mary Ditto. She is just what I needed and we've been able to help eachother through  a lot. I'll be honest there are some really challenging things to face here at the MTC. It's a constant rollercoaster of emotions, but the past couple of days the Lord has taught me so much about what's really important and that I need to not be so hard on myself. At first I think I was having too high of expectations for myself and then felt frustrated that I wasn't being the best missionary, but I'm understanding that it's a process and I just have to do the very best I can right now and that is all the Lord asks and will make up the rest. Sister Clark and I have also learned to just laugh at the bad and awkward moments in our lessons with "investigators". That's been good. Yesterday we had a MARVELOUS experience with feeling what' sit's like to teach by the spirit. It was amazing!! And I love my district. They are amazing!
I am running out of time, but just know that the gospel is true! I lvoe the work that I am doing and all that I've been able to learn!! I love you all so much! And I miss you but I know I am where the Lord needs me!!
Thank you for the prayers! Thank you for being the amazing people that you are!! I will be the best missionary I can be and can't wait to bless those people the Lord has prepared for me!!
Wish I had more time, but I love you so much!!!
Love, Sister Davis
So President Edwards told us we could have more time. yay! And this time I realized which email you were talking about was wrong Dad so I fixed it this time. Sorry about that.
So here are some pictures of the MTC. The first one in front of the temple is from the very first day. The next is with Sis Clark, my comp, in front on the MTC and then one of our district who I LOVE!!
Enjoy :) Love you

Hey again fam,
So since there wasn't a line up for the computers, Pres. Edwards said we can write longer yaya!! Because I was feeling really rushed before and didn't have enough time to tell you all the wonderful things. I know I can't tell you everything. But there are 60 missionaries here total. Most going to London or London South. They are all great!! We have the best teacher, Sister Loynes, from Dublin, Ireland. She has the best accent and is a wonderful teacher.
I was also going to tell you, Mom that every meal I've been getting salad. Funny, because I always was saying that I didn't like having salad all the time and now that there are other options I still have salad every meal. So I guess I like it more than I thought and it makes me feel more at home :) It is crazy how long the days feel here. One day feels like several. It's amazing how when you are working for the Lord, he gives you time to complete everything you need to (like this bonus of getting to write you more!) I'll be sending a hand written letter today too with more details so keep an eye out for that and then let me know how long it takes mail to get there. Conference was amazing! Like I said, we didn't get to watch the last session but the rest was wonderful. I really loved the focus on missionary work and obedience. It was nice to be reminded of the many promises that the Lord gives his missionaries. It was really weird though when we watch the morning session because we watched them live, but it was dinner time here. That was really weird. I didn't have any jet lag problems at all, but it's weird to think of what the time is back home and what it is here. crazy! When I'm getting up you're going to bed. Like I said I've been healthy and happy and doing great. I feel like I have everything I need. There are a few things I wish I would have brought. Like I forgot those vitamin C and other chewy things but that's not vital. I just want to do everything I can to stay healthy and not get sick. I also wish I would have brought more shirts and different colors, but I should have enough to get me through. Especially here at the MTC because we can do laundry whenever. And it's hard now because we're inside most the day and most of my shirts I have left are longsleeved, but I should be fine. There was something else I thought would have been nice, but I can't even remember now. So no worries, I have everything I need! Sorry if my thoughts seemed so scattered and if I didn't answer all your questions. Writing emails is hard because there is so much I want you to know but I can't type fast enough. So Linda I now can understand why you didn't have the time to understand my awesome email from when you were out ;) I'll work on typing faster and organizing my ideas better. I loved hearing the total of missionaries from President Monson and knowing I was one of them!! Thank you for your emails. They really reminded me to find the joy in everything. Even just from reading them this morning it has already made me so much happier (and I thought I was being plenty happy before) so just imagine how happy and smiley I am now. I love it!! I'll try and make every moment fun and work! Thank you for your support and love! I really couldn't ask for a better family! I am able to be a good missionary and work hard because of all of you!
Love you lots!
Sister Davis
P.S. Congrats to Padilla (thanks Mom for making sure I found out) and Congrats to Jessica (that was a shock) and yay Megan!! So happy you got the job.