Wednesday, November 7, 2012

God Bless America

Although the election did not play out quite like I was hoping, it has left me to ponder what a wonderful country I live in. 
I am so grateful to live in a country where I can vote, to live in a country where I can worship God and belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and to live in a country where I can share my beliefs and opinions with others. While it has been somewhat disappointing to hear (and read) some of the derogatory comments (from both parties), it has helped me remember what a choice land I live in that ideas and opinions can openly be expressed. How grateful I am to live in a land where I have freedom! To live in a country founded on honest and true principles; a country built upon trust in God. I hope that we all will continue to trust in God. I pray that our President will remember and turn to the principles our founding fathers valued, and that he will protect and defend the freedoms we are so greatly blessed to have. I pray for the people of this country, that we can put aside hateful words and differences and unite as American people working to preserve all that this great country stands for, and remember all that we are blessed with. 

This election has also left me even more grateful for a President I know I can ALWAYS rely on and have faith in. I am so grateful for having a living prophet on the earth today! I know President Thomas S. Monson is called of God and that he will never lead us astray.
I also think this is great advice for everyone.Let us follow the example of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and accept their invitation.

And May God Bless America!