Sunday, June 29, 2014

King's Lynn is a strange, but wonderful place. I love it!

Hola mi familia,

We've had a great week here in King's Lynn. We don't have too many solid investigators yet. There is mainly just one we are working closely with. Her name is Justina. She is from Lithuania. She has been taught everything and really wants to be baptised but she is still living with her ex-partner. I don't understand completely. She told us yesterday he was moving out, but when we called her last night she said he hadn't so we aren't sure what is going to happen there. Please pray for her.
We've come to the conclusion that there are very strange and crazy people that live in King's Lynn. The funny thing is that the people that live here even talk about it, including the people we meet on the street and the members. It was comforting to know that it's not just us. We had a lesson with one man that was so interesting. He had his whole front room filled with cameras of all sorts. He was telling us about all his problems but wouldn't really let us teach. He said he was taught by missionaries years before so he already knew everything, unless we had something new to tell him. The member that was with us starting telling him about General Conference, which I thought was perfect, but he just tried to shrug it off and say that he was enlightening us rather than us being able to teach him anything. So strange.
We did have a really neat experience though. We are really trying to improve the quality of our conversation with people and really talking with everyone. Elder Ballard made a promise that if we have 10 gospel conversations each day then we will baptise every month. So we've been working up to having 20 conversation each day (10 for each of us). On our weekly planning day we set a goal to get 15. We were really close and only had about an hour left. We started talking to this man who thought he knew so much better than us and that there wasn't anything more we could teach him about God that wasn't more than just our opinion. We just sincerely shared our testimonies of the Book of Mormon and asked him if he would like a free copy. He was so shocked. I could really see the spirit softening his heart. He was so impressed and curious about why weren't asking for anything in return and just wanting to share this wonderful book with people. He was so happy to receive a copy and said he would definitely read it!!
We had another experience when we were just walking through the park talking with people. We past a big group of teenagers that were smoking and having energy drinks and I didn't think they would genuinely be interested, especially because I find when we talk to groups of people, usually they all just agree with each other and don't want to stand out by being interested or even admitting to believing in God. I felt like we needed to atleast offer them pass-along cards, so we did and just briefly explained what we were doing and what the website is about. Then later that night we got a text from someone who said he was in that group and would be interested in hearing more!! We are meeting with him tonight!
We're really focusing on the members. I feel like I am slowly getting to know more and more of them. Hopefully we can really see this ward change and grow!
In sacrament meeting yesterday a young man gave a great talk on preparing for a mission. He talked about how if we want to prepare to be great missionaries, we have to DO what missionaries do in order to FEEL how missionaries feel. It really made me think about how I can always feel the way I do now. Maybe not exactly, but I just need to keep praying the way I do now and continue to really study the scripture like I do now. The spirit is a promised gift to all those who keep their covenants. IT is available to all. I am so grateful for it.
I love you!!!
Love, Sister Davis

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Change of Plans.... I'm in King's Lynn

Dear Family, 
Wow. This has been a crazy and unexpected week! I thought that this next week I would be opening Stevenage with Sister Ellsworth. Instead I'm whitewashing King's Lynn with Sister Couper. So the fantastic trio was living it up in Milton Keynes when Thursday morning was met with a call from President Jordan. I tried to convince him to let us stay in Milton Keynes in our trio for the rest of the transfer. He had a different idea and said he needed me to go to King's Lynn immediately for an emergency transfer. He called at 11 and I was on my way to King's Lynn by 2. A senior couple from the office came with the mission van and drove me to King's Lynn-- the northest part of our mission; It's in Norfolk. It was a day full of lots of mixed feelings. I was so gutted to be leaving the trio and especially to not get the rest of the transfer with Sister Ellsworth or to open Stevenage. President said he really needed me to go to King's Lynn and I'm grateful that he can trust me enough to send me wherever I am needed. It was cool to get to drive here in the mission van because I got to see so much of the country. It's kind of a crazy situation in King's Lynn. I don't want to share too much about it, but basically the sister that was here had some feelings for a member and he for her. It's a good thing that President found out about it when he did because lots of the members knew something was going on between them and some of the less-actives and investigators too. So most people know why I got sent here, but we will build their trust in us as missionaries, who are here for the right reasons and who are fully focused on the work and wanting to help the ward. Sister Couper had only been here a week when the change happened so both of us are just trying to figure out what is going on and it's basically like we are whitewashing because we know very few members and are having to work out a teaching pool. IT's kind of stressful, but I have had very strong confirmations from the spirit that this is where the Lord needs me to be. My first morning here in King's Lynn I was reading 1 Nephi 9. Verse 6 just really hit me. The Lord knew I would be coming here to King's Lynn. It is His work. "It is not the work of God that is frustrated, but the work of men" (D&C 3:3). I know we will see so many miracles here in King's Lynn. 
So to tell you a little bit about this place: it is so country. and so different from London. I don't even know how to talk with people here. But it is so beautiful!! There is lots of English and also lots of Lithuanians. I've always wanted to serve in Norwich and now I'm in Norwich Zone. The Lord has interesting ways of blessings us. My companion is SIster Couper. I am really sad to not be with Sister Ellsworth and Sister Maurer, but Sister Couper is great. She is half Australian and half Columbian (interesting mix huh?) but she is great. ANd I've always thought it would be cool to have a south American companion, so I guess the Lord is really just trying to grant my desires. Also I have told her that she has to teach me the first vision in espanol. Maybe now I can finally learn to speak Spanish. Maybe. But Linda, don't freak out. Guess where Sister Couper lived for 6 months??? Ok, you'll probably never guess: Cajamarca, PEru!!! cool, huh?! She has been on her mission almost 5 months. We aren't really sure what to be doing here, but we're going forward with faith and having lots of fun along the way. And Sister Couper just got transfered from Gillingham (she was only there one transfer), but that immediately gave us lots to talk about. I really am excited to see all the miracles the Lord has prepared for us here. It's going to be great!! 

I hope you are all enjoying the nice weather. It's gotten pretty chilly here. Maybe it's just that I'm more up north and near the cost. 
I love you all. The church is true. HEavenly Father knows each one of us perfectly. His plan for us is perfect. If we trust in Him we will never fail!! 
Sister Davis xoxox

P.S. My new address atleast for the next 5 weeks is:
Flat D East Anglia House
19 Blackfriars Road
King's Lynn
PE30 1NU 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Magical Land of Milton Keynes

Dear Family,
So, first of all I don't even know where to start. I'll start with the area. I love Milton Keynes. I will be so sad to leave in 9 days. I love how much more country it is out here and I love that it's lots more British people. IT's much slower and people are so much more nice. The ward is lovely. We are teaching so many wonderful people and have seen so many miracles. The people here have so much potential. I'm so grateful for the little time I have to serve here and also to help strengthen the area for when the new sister comes. Sister Maurer is getting a brand new Japanese sister from the MTC (she had to stay longer for language study- Sister Maurer is pretty nervous about it). 
Second. I LOVE my companions. And really, I LOVE being in a trio. I will be sad when it goes back to just two of us. Sister Ellsworth is wonderful. She came into the mission the same time as me but from the Provo MTC because she is a VC sister. She grew up in Wisconsin, but then her family moved to Draper, UT. She is the same age as me.She is super healthy, which is great. She can help me lose all my weight from Ilford. She is really easy going and takes the work seriously, but also makes sure we have lots of fun. She is a great teacher and I learn a lot from her during lessons. 
Sister Maurer is from Switzerland! Yeah! I'm excited to have a Swiss companion for a little bit. She is HILARIOUS! She is so European and just is blunt and always says what is on her mind. So funny! She's been out 8 months and has been in Milton Keynes just 1 transfer but she did a great job taking over the area and she will be a great trainer. She's 22. We all get along so well and have lots of fun!! Sister Ellsworth and I are sad we will have to be leaving soon, but we also get so excited when we start talking about what we want to do to get the work going in Stevenage. It will kind of be like opening a new area/white washing. It's hard to explain, but basically we are pretty sure that Elders took over the Sisters past work and so we'll be starting from scratch. IT will also be very interesting because there are two sets of Elders in the stevenage ward and then us and we will be our own district.
There is a really funny investigator we have named Prudy (short for Prudence). She is 9 and her mum is a less active; she also has autism. She talks so loud and draws out her words. But the best part is her prayers. She is so serious when she prays, but the way she goes about it is so funny. She always talk about all the animals and the bugs, even the poisonous ones. It's so hard to explain over an email what it like but it always is a fun lesson and keeps us light-hearted.
Even though there are lots of British people, there are also lots of Ghanaians. We are teaching lots of them (Prudy's family is Ghanaian). This one Ghanaian woman named Doris has three children. The oldest one, Lily has a mental disorder (not quite sure what it is) but is the sweetest girl ever. She will pray and is always very loving. We sang I am a child of God with the yesterday and she sang along. The spirit was so strong and really touched my heart.
This week I have really learned the importance and power of testifying. Whenever you talk with others about the gospel, ALWAYS make sure to share your testimony, even if it is just something as simple as saying "I know this is true." That is when the spirit can testify. That is what will help people have the desire to change. The spirit is amazing!
I love being a missionary! I love this work!! I love you all!!!
Love, Sister Davis 


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Grand Adventures Ahead!!

Dear Familia, 

Hey, We had Stake Conference this weekend too!! It was brilliant. I really love the Stake Presidency here in the Romford Stake. They have a very special spirit. One of the counsellors, who is in Ilford Ward (and American), reminds me a lot of Dad. Both his talks seemed like talks Dad would give. The first was about anchors. and then his one on Sunday was about.. canyoneering! He went canyoneering with his daughter to celebrate her graduating from BYU. They were jumping down waterfalls as part of it and he ended up breaking his back because he did something wrong on the last waterfall, he didn't stay straight. And to clarify, it didn't make me think of Dad just because it involved back issues. But I do hope your back is doing ok, Dad. He related his experience to covenants. He talked about the two step process. 1. Making covenants and 2. Keeping covenants.  We must  step 1. Enter in to the gate and 2. stay on the strait and narrow path. It's hard to fully explain but it was great. It also was very missionary focused. Saturday night we had our golden referral, Rose, come. She really enjoyed it and was able to meet President and Sister Jordan. Then she gave us a lift home because it turns out she lives just a street away from us. She really is starting to open up to us. I am really sad that I won't be able to continue to see her progression. 

It has been hard to say goodbye to everyone, but it also just feels so right. It was really hard to say goodbye to Amarjeet because he got really, really sad that I'm leaving. I think he just thought that since I had been here so long and gone through companions he didn't really think about how I would one day be going. I'm so grateful that I could see his growth in the gospel. Everyone has been so kind. I have more chocolate and goodies that I will ever be able to eat from everyone, but it is so touching to see everyone's love. The people here in Ilford really do love the missionaries. I'm so grateful I have had the opportunity to serve here. 

Although it's always sad to leave an area, I am so excited for the new adventures ahead. For the next two weeks I will be in a trio in Milton Keynes(Northampton district where I started my mission!!), then Sister Ellsworth (who will be in the trio) and I will leave to white wash Stevenage. The other sister in the trio will stay and train a new sister that will be coming in. Sister Ellsworth is a VC sister and is in my MTC group. Sister P told me lots of good things about her so I am really excited to serve with her! I am so excited! IT will be so fun. White washing will be something new and different, but I know we will see so many miracles! 
A sister from Switzerland is coming to Ilford. She speaks French and Sister Wen and I have been meeting lots of French people so it is perfect! She will love it here! 
Missionary work is the best. 
Miracle story: Sunday morning Sister Wen and I were running around our house looking for the keys so we could leave for Stake Conference. We couldn't find them anywhere. I opened the front door just to see what the weather was like so I would have an idea of which coat/jacket to take. And what do you know... the keys were still in the door from when we came in the night before. I know that God is watching over us. he will protect us and keep us safe! 
I can't wait to share with you all the wonderful things about my new area and new companions! 
The church is true!!! I love you all!!! 
Sister Davis 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bank Holiday.

Hiya Family!
I'm so glad you had fun at the reunion! Our family is the best!
I can't wait to hear where Sara and Bunker get their calls to. So is Paul married now or just engaged (sorry sometimes I can't really follow everything that is happening- for example, I forgot Jon and Rachel had a baby. So many babies around) 
I look forward to all the pictures next week. I hope Linda and Julie and Katie get better soon. BP's sent your way! Hopefully they can be sent Sister Wen's way too. She's been feeling quite poorly the last two days. So our day today will be spent in the flat so she can sleep and try and get over whatever it is (not sure if it's just bad hayfever or a cold). It's bank holiday Monday. We were suppose to have a ward picnic but it was slightly raining this morning so they cancelled it. We are super super bummed (gutted could also be an appropriate word used here, fyi) because we had lots of less actives coming and lots of members had invited their friends. :( hopefully we get other chances to bring these people closer to their Saviour.
 I really have decided that Bank Holiday is of the devil. So every couple months or so (to be honest I don't know what determines a Bank Holiday. I'm sure you can google it.) we have Bank Holiday. It's always on a Monday and government buildings and libraries (so we have to pay to email from an internet cafe) are closed and lots of other shops are closed. Buses run less frequently. And most people have work off. But the reason that I think it's of the devil is because what it leads people to do on Sunday. It's so strange. In people's mind, its like they change Monday to the day of rest and do all sorts of crazy things on Sunday. People are outside doing all kinds of manual labor on Sunday and on Sunday night lots of people go out and drink because they can sleep in and get over their hangover on Monday. It just makes me so sad to see how deceitful Satan can be. Rather than people taking Sunday to rest and worship in the way we should, they decide that they will do all the work they possible can on Sunday, so then on Monday they can sleep in(or 'have a lay in' as they say in England), rest, and have fun. It always makes me think of what PMG says "When a community or nation grows careless in its Sabbath activities, its religious life decays and all aspects of life are negatively affected. The blessings associated with keeping the Sabbath day holy are lost. We should refrain from shopping on the Sabbath and participating in other commercial and sporting activities that now commonly desecrate the Sabbath." I'm grateful for the Sabbath because not only is it a day of Rest but it's a day of recharge. I can have this special wonderful day to feel the spirit, truly remember my Saviour and prepare to progress in the coming week.  And then I can know and expect that I will be blessed throughout the week for keeping this day holy. 
Highlight of this week was definitely interviews. I just love them. I love talking with President Jordan and all I learn from him and Sister Jordan. He said I will for sure be leaving Ilford at transfers (which is next week btw so I'll email on Tuesday). I knew it was coming and I'm grateful for the warning so I can prepare for it. Sister Wen says the ward isn't prepared for it. We had an exchange on Wednesday and I went to Ipswich. She said everyone they saw that day was freaking out because they thought I had left. One of the less actives they saw (he is this hilarious older man) wouldn't shake the hand of the sister that came for the day because he thought she was replacing me. When he realized she wasn't he was fine with it. haha. Oh boy. I'm definitely not ready to say good-bye to everyone, but I am excited for the new adventures I will have. President says my next area has a good chance of being my last. Now that is just scary and crazy! I'm trying to live up every moment I can. He spoke to us a lot about faith and also about our testimonies. Something I really loved was that we don't teach people to help them understand interesting facts. He said if we didn't that then they wouldn't have a baptismal interview, but a baptismal quiz with questions like "How many degrees of glory are there? Please list them in descending order." or "How old was Joseph Smith when he saw God and Jesus Christ?" He said we teach so we have something to testify about so they can feel the spirit. They will have a whole lifetime in the church to better understand the doctrines fully, but they really need to have a spiritual witness that what they are being taught is true, especially the Book of Mormon. Sister Jordan did a fabulous training on the Book of Mormon. I've really seen a difference as I've tried to apply those things. There is so much power available through the Book of Mormon. 
I know the church is true! 
Sister Davis 

So I forgot to share the exciting story of the Ipswich Exchange. 
I went to Ipswich with lovely Sister Jacobsmeyer. The morning of the exchange they informed me that I didn't need to buy a ticket because Sister Curtis had gotten a return ticket for me back to Ipswich. Lovely. So I hop on the train with Sister Jacobsmeyer and we're having a dandy time. Then the ticketman (I don't know the proper term) comes to check everyone's tickets. So I get out my ticket and get out my railcard (it's a card for people up to age 26 that allows tickets to be 1/3 cheaper). Then Sister J is telling me about how she had to renew her card just the other day and she thinks to look at when I need to renew mine. Well, what do you know. It's expired. Since I'm in London we just use our Oyster cards for all our travel so I hadn't even looked at my railcard in about 2 months. oops. So the ticketman comes and tells me he'll have to issue a fine because my ticket becomes invalid since I don't have a valid railcard. He said it would be about £80!! What? Well, I only had £30 with me and they don't take card. And £80 is so much!!! Well, he was really really nice and understanding and then found the cheapest thing to do. He made it so it was only a £20 fine and then about £15 for a ticket the rest of my journey. (Sister J was nice and covered the rest of it). It was scary for a second, but he was really understanding and said I can appeal the fine since it was an honest mistake. And then we got to talk with him about the gospel. That was cool. And the woman across from us was listening the whole time. Then she had to use the toilet later and asked us to watch her bag. That normally wouldn't happen that someone asked a complete stranger to watch her bags, but I think she new that she could trust us. I'm so grateful to be trustworthy. That's something President Jordan mentioned in interviews that he could trust me in my areas (which is almost exactly what my setting apart blessing says). So even though I had to pay a fine it was wonderful to get to share about the gospel and plant positive seeds.
We got a fish pedicure last pday. These fish eat all the dead skin off your feet. It tickles so much but our feet felt like new afterwards. I wish we could do that everyday.