Sunday, December 1, 2013

And I thought missionary work was exciting

Dear Family, 
Oh my days!! (that's a very English saying which an Elder in the ward is constantly commenting on how much we all say it....When in England, speak as the English speak, I guess ;)) But really OH MY DAYS!!! I couldn't read the letters fast enough. I feel like I've just watched an intense season finale of White Collar or Sherlock after reading your letters. Thankfully I got to know the cliff hangers. First of all, I am so grateful that I can be a missionary and know that the Lord has promised to keep my family safe (In so many blessings since I've been on my mission, it always says not to worry about my family because the Lord will take care of you.) I wish that it didn't have to be manifested in such a huge way, but atleast we can all recognize the blessings and the Lord's hand in our lives. And just think what a GREAT missionary moment conversation this can be for the WHOLE family (I expect some good reports next week about this :))
I MISS THE MOUNTAINS!!! We don't have any snow yet, but everyone keeps saying it is on its way. We had an intense hail storm this week though. It was awesome! Thankfully we were just catching a bus somewhere, but some of the elders were out street contacting in it (they said they had to change their plans a bit. haha). I loved what you said about coming out of comfort zone. I've been thinking a lot this week that I need to do that more. We grow the most when we are uncomfortable and so my goal is to push myself more out of my limits so I can truly become what the Lord needs me to be. 
Jimmy, there are no llamas in England. Sorry. Just lots of spiders. And mice :) And foxes!! I saw one this week!
In exciting new this week: I started a new journal!! YAY! We had interviews (THE BEST EVER!!). We caught another mouse. Sister Stoja I think is beginning to realize how OCD I am because I started really cleaning our flat today (it was pretty gross). Mom, I understand your love for bleach now. I made brownies for one of the Elder's birthdays. Yup, homemade brownies. I had never made chocolate brownies from scratch before. And Julie, I'll have you know that they weren't dry or cakey. They were delicious (with nuts of course, Dad:)) We have had several days where we have lunch and dinner appointments!! I am beginning to see why everyone gets fat in this area. I went running this week...and slipped on ice. I bruised my knee really bad, but nothing seriously injured thank goodness! We had stake conference this weekend too!! So good! It was really funny though. So Friday night we had dinner at the bishop's house. Part of our lesson was helping them with a family mission plan. We have a sheet that we print out with goals to fill in and quotes and all that jazz. So then on Saturday night at stake conference all the bishops were giving talks. Guess what our bishop talked on? Everything that was on our member mission plan. Really, he read everything on it. IT was pretty funny; I'm glad we could help him out with his talk. They shared that a general authority that came a few years back said to their stake that once the missionaries serving FROM Europe equals the number of missionaries serving IN Europe the work will truly be hastening. Well tomorrow in the Romford STake (the stake I'm serving in) the 22nd missionary from the stake will be set apart. There are currently 22 full-time missionaries serving in Romford Stake. AWESOME!! The Lord truly is hastening his work!
Our amazing muslim investigator, Hassan, came to stake conference and loved it. He is amazing! He told us that he couldn't come because he was working, but then he said about 2 hours before it was starting he just felt like he needed to come. So he came and said he just turned his phone off so nothing could get in the way of him coming and so his boss couldn't call and get mad at him (a big risk because he really needs that job). I know he is feeling the spirit so much and I love that he is so quick to follow it. He is already sharing the gospel with everyone around him. We are hoping to meet a couple of his friends tonight to teach them. He is just so full of courage. He says whenever he gets scared, he just says a prayer and doesn't let the negative thoughts come. I learn so much from his great example of faith!
We've met some other amazingly prepared people this week!! So many good people to help come closer to Jesus Christ! 
What a glorious time when we can help the Lord to share this message with everyone! I love it!
I love you all!
Love, Sister Davis 


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