Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dear Family,
Shayla's baptism was wonderful! We had a bit of a rough time scheduling it because we scheduled a time and then found out there was a stake primary activity happening at the same time and Shayla couldn't do the time they wanted to and the bishopric wanted to push it back another week. I was not going to let that happen and the Lord was on our side so everything worked out ok. Poor Shayla had to be baptised three times. The young man baptising her was doing his first baptism and I think he was more nervous than she was. She was a great sport about it though and it was lovely. I was keeping it together really well and then the Ward Mission Leader asked me to come up and bear my testimony. I am my mother's daughter and didn't get a word out before I was crying. The spirit was so strong there and it was amazing to see how happy Shayla was. Her sister and cousin were able to come and although they may not be interested at the moment, it was a very positive experience for them. Our ward has been brilliant to reach out and make Shayla a part of the ward. I think she really is feeling a part of the family. It was funny though because she left church with  a whole stack of books. I asked her what her plans were for the rest of Sunday and she just said that she had some reading to do. haha. Hopefully she wasn't too overwhelmed.
Funny story: We had a step-in with a man this week named Tony. SIster Som was saving a prayer before we left and couldn't quite remember his name; she called him Tuna. I wanted to correct her but I was laughing so hard and was trying not to laugh out loud and I knew if I said anything I would lose it. And she said his name, or rather what she thought his name was, more than once in the prayer. Thankfully she could laugh about it.
Interviews were so wonderful! President Jordan is such an inspired man. I know he is called of God. And Sister Jordan is absolutely wonderful! They both did brilliant trainings and the spirit was just so strong! BEing a missionary is the best! How priviledged I am to have the opportunity to learn and grow and to bear the Savior's precious name.
I love you all!
Sister Davis
P.S. Don't forget next week is transfers so I'll be emailing on Tuesday again. :) I can't believe another transfer has gone by... and then it's GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!!!!!!! I'm just a bit excited for that. 
Quick Miracle
So as I'm sitting here emailing you (at the library), a man comes up to me and asks how he can get information about the Latter-day Saints... well, he asked the right person!! He says he's always wanted to learn more about the mormons and that he just moved here. Amazing! The Lord truly does micromanage our lives (Linda, I remember you use to say that in almost every email you sent home. haha... I guess because it's the truth! :) ) So great!
Love you lots!
Sister Davis

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