Sunday, September 8, 2013

My dear family,
I didn't think you'd change THAT much while I was gone, but to hear you got iPhones proves me wrong. Our family is slowly entering the digital world. Dad, are you enjoying being able to sinc your Iphone and iPad? Thanks for the fun pictures Linda.
This week has been good. Zone Conference was amazing!! It was all about faith and it really was just so uplifting. Sister Som and I are working hard and having plenty of fun. We have learned much better how to work together. I am learning to be silent more and let her do more of the talking. I still do the majority, but as we continue to work on it, I know she will become more comfortable with it. I am learning some cambodian. How are you? is by far my favorite phrase! "tan yan so so by?" say that five times fast. Shayla continues to be amazing!! She is getting so excited for her baptism (21 september). She is going on holiday next week, so we are praying that Satan doesn't throw too much opposition at her; I also hope that when her sister comes to her baptism (she has already invited her!) that her sister feels the spirit and has a desire to learn more. I know it would be a great thing for Shayla to have that support, and of course her sister would benefit from the gospel as well. 
We have been working a lot with less actives. There is progress there, slow progress but progress nonetheless. We have also been asked by the Stake to visit all of the less active YSA and invite them to institute. We have quite a list and they are somewhat spread out, but hopefully as we split it up with the Elders we can visit them all before the next institute class starts- Book of Mormon!! Hopefully we will see lots of miracles with that.  We have been doing a lot of finding without too much success, but someone said that whenever someone rejects our message it just means that we are one person closer to finding those that are prepared. I try and remember that. And I remember that an invitation to learn about the gospel with love for the person and love for the Savior can never be offensive. Even if they aren't interested, as long as they felt our love for them then we have been successful. We have the most precious thing we can offer to people- salvation. How grateful I am for this opportunity!
We met this really nice Nigerian lady on the bus the other day. She teaches math and her name is Julie! Crazy. I guess all Julie's must love math. She was really nice and we were able to give her a Book of Mormon. Everyone in England is going back to school this week, so she was too busy to set up a time with us, but she gave us her information and said that she's free in October. Hopefully we can see her again! This work is amazing. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and truly testifies of Jesus Christ!
I love you all!!
Love, Sister Davis 
Sisters, Sisters, never were we such devoted Sisters. 1/3 of our mission is now Sisters. This is less than half of the sisters in the mission!! Crazy!

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