Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tracting in a rainy Gillingham (Walking in a winter Wonderland)

Dear Familia,
Well, like I said earlier, I think winter has come. Yesterday when we were getting ready to go to church, we looked out our window and saw it was all sunshiney. So I decided to leave my raincoat (because I hate having extra things to carry around, especially at church). Walking to church was lovely. Then after church it was not so sunny, it was pretty cold and we were walking to a lunch appointment at a members house and were a bit early so we started tracting and tried our best to deal with the cold... then it starts raining! Luckily, I was atleast smart enough to bring my umbrella. And I had a cardigan and tights (which I almost had left at home in the morning as well, thankfully I didn't) so I wasn't too cold, but poor Sister Som hadn't brought a jacket or anything, but one of the Elders had given her some gloves so she persevered. After that, we had appointments for the rest of the day in Chatham (another town next to where we live). Well the appointments all fell through.  So we were stuck in the rain and wind. We prayed to get a step-in and hoped that someone would let us in. Well, first door we knocked, the man wanted to hear more(Thanks to heavenly Father for answering our prayer), but of course it was just him at home and so we taught him about Joseph Smith on the door step whilst we were freezing, but it was an excellent lesson nonetheless. The Lord provides a way to accomplish his work. And now we know to ALWAYs have our jackets. haha. 
Shayla is back from holiday and is being interviewed today for her baptism on Saturday!!! I'm so excited for her!! And Meili (the Chinese investigator) wants to find a job where she doesn't have to work on Sunday. I hope that we can help her to find one through the church employment program. 
We have interviews in Canterbury next Monday. Hopefully we will still have time to email on that day, but in case you don't hear from me, that is why. 
The Lord is blessing us and we are seeing his miracles. This work is hard, but wonderful and so worth it. I'm so grateful for the gospel of JEsus Christ!! 
I love you all!!!! 
Sister Davis 

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