Sunday, March 23, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Springtime!

Hiya Family! 
Happy St. Patty's day! Sister P and I made sure to wear our green.... and then we noticed all day that no one else was wearing green. There was no st patty's decorations in the stores. It came up in a lesson with our Albanian investigators (the ones we teach English too, and the gospel); the English member with us reminded us that St. Patrick's Day is an Irish holiday. Sister P and I had just assumed the whole world celebrated green day. haha. Oh well. England has St. George's Day, but no one celebrates it. I think she said it's in April. 

Well, I won't hold back the anticipated news any longer. Sister P and I are staying together!!!!!! Yay! We were so excited to hear that. Especially after the week that we had; so many miracles. And it was just so natural that we didn't even feel like it was moves happening this week and we just kept working like normal and had already schedule appointments for the day of transfers. The Lord is blessing us so much! We are finding families to teach, members are getting more involved in the work, and we are just growing to love the people more and more everyday. I have loved all my companions so much, but it's amazing the miracles that happen when a companionship is completely unified. Sister P and I are just so much on the same page with where we want the work to go. And I think we're both really in tune with how the Lord wants the work to go as well. It's amazing! We both had a hard time falling asleep last night (don't worry it was just a one night thing because of moves calls- I really have been sleeping great) because we were both thinking of how great this next transfer is going to be and all the goals we have for the area. I'm so excited! 
Amarjeet had his baptismal interview last night. He passed! He's getting baptised on Saturday! Finally. I'm so happy for him. He's been wanting it so bad for so long. 
We met with a new investigator yesterday. It was our first proper lesson with her. She had met Sister P on the bus back when Sister Latham was still here. We have been calling her and trying to set up an appointment with her, but we could never get a hold of her. Sister P was feeling so bad about it. Then, the other day we get on the bus... and what do you know. This woman was sitting on the bus. We were able to get her address and set up an appointment with her. When we taught her she confessed that she had been purposefully ignoring our calls. And she said that she normally would not give away her address to someone she just met, but she said the spirit told her she needed to give it to us and that we are working for God. She says she knows it was God's hand in us meeting on the bus (and it really was because we hadn't planned to be on that bus at that time, and neither had she--- she was actually meant to be going to meet her pastor of her church but he cancelled). We are looking forward to continuing to teach her. 
I've decided Sundays must just be our day for many miracles. This Sunday we had quite a few appointments set up and we kept those appointments, but we also got 6 new investigators!! It was brilliant! We also taught the man we met last Sunday. His family is great! We also were able to teach his father. They are all really interested. We want to give them a baptismal date the next time we teach them. 
I love this gospel. This week I was reading 3 Nephi 18 about the sacrament. It talks about how they were filled. We always teach investigators that church is so important because it recharges their batteries. And the scriptures say exactly that. It's the sacrament that fills our spiritual batteries with power and bless us with the spirit throughout the week, not just church in general. I'm so grateful for this ordinance that I can participate in each week. I hope I can strive to make it more meaningful and sacred. I know Jesus Christ is my Saviour. And the Saviour for everyone. Including those who don't remember who he is. 
Thank you for your prayers!
I love you!!!
Sister Davis xoxox

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