Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same

Dearest family,
I am sorry that I am writing a day late. Mom, I hope you weren't too worried. But it was all for a good cause because ELDER M. RUSSELL BALLARD came and spoke to us!!!!! He was in Sweden and was suppose to be going to Russia, but his visa didn't go through and his back-up plan was our mission! We spent all day yesterday in London. And I got a front row seat. We didn't get to shake his hand though :( but a front row seat is still pretty amazing. It was awesome to have all the missionaries in our mission together. There are so many of us. And London South Mission came for part of it too. It was amazing!! It was really uplifting and encouraging. I'm ready to work harder and be better and I know that as I do that I will see the fruits of my efforts. So amazing to be in the presence of an apostle!!
Well since we didn't have time to do everything for P-Day that we needed to (although it was so worth it) we have to try and fit everything in today with what little time we have so sorry for a short letter this week.
We have had so many wonderful experiences this week. I'll just share one that is probably my favorite. Since we are teaching so much, we don't have too much time to find, but on the way to one of our appointments we decided to stop a couple people. One was this young man, Sam,  who was smoking. At first he wasn't very interested in talking, but we were able to set up an appt for later that day. He didn't have a phone and honestly, I wasn't being very hopeful that he would show up... but he did! And he said that when he ran into us he had been really depressed and having a hard time and after we taught him lesson 1 he said he couldn't stop smiling. He came to church on Sunday and to FHE at a members house last night and he is coming to addiction recovery at the church tonight because he says he really wants to quit smoking. Hopefully it'll go well. It definitely testified to me that the Lord knows how much time we have to find and will put exactly those we need to talk to in our path. This work is so great; it changes lives; and miracles happen! I love you all!! Good luck with everything!
Love, Sister Davis

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