Sunday, August 31, 2014

The last stretch!

Hiya Family!

It is seriously freaky how fast time goes. Can you believe I am starting my last transfer?! crazy!

ok Nathan I hope you are ready for your English culture 101 seminar: First of all, I am still trying to discover the meaning of wotcha that you asked about awhile ago.
Second :Money.
p is in reference to pence. quid is in reference to pounds (don't ask me why). I have no idea what guinea is. They have the following coins here: 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1, £2. And they have the following notes(paper money/bills): £5, £10, £20, £50. Yes, they don't have £1 notes, so there are always lots of coins in my wallet. Hardly anyone uses £50 notes, but I have seen them (one of my companions had one).
Third: Food
In summer (the whole 2 weeks of good weather we get here.. haha jk it's been a great summer) they eat lots of salads. IT's not like an American salad all mixed up. Everything is separate. Usually lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, etc. and then you mixed it as you eat it (if that makes sense). All the other time it is hot cooked food. Roast dinners are really popular and the common SUnday meal: meat, cooked veg, mash, Yorkshire puddings (which I learned to make from scratch!!), all covered with gravy. They like sausage rolls (I'm not a big fan of them), Kiesh (no idea how to spell that), pies-like chicken pies, steak and kidney pies, etc. baked beans with toast and mash and sausages, lasagne is popular and spaghetti bolognaise (minced meat with spaghetti sauce).
I will definitely miss a good roast dinner. And I love how much veg they eat all the time, but mum is always good about feeding us veg :)
They consider American cuisine to be anything unhealthy: too greasy, too sugary, and far too large of portions. haha. Hamburgers and hot dogs are definitely American.
Hopefully I answered all your questions :)   

Wow. Not too much time left, but I'll try and sum up all the great things from this week:
All the missionaries in King's Lynn decided to do a musical number to build the member's trust. It was a bit shakey every time we practiced and the person accompanying us could never practice with us beforehand. Thankfully we were just singing a hymn and mixing it up with parts. I don't know if you can actually believe this but I sang Alto. Yup. And it wasn't completely horrible. I am definitely not nearly as good as the rest of you, but it turned out ok. The ward really loved it. It was great to see how excited they were after (and how reverent during!). We had so many members come up and talk with us afterwards. ANd one of the youth came up and said she wanted to spend the next day with us, so that was fun!
I had a great workover with Sister JAcobsmeyer! She is so fun! We've already set goals and made plans for all the lessons we'll be teaching together on our plane ride home. We're hoping for a miracle member present. And I found out that her cousin works at Disneyland and is going to get us all in for free! Sweet! (BUt don't worry, I'm not getting trunky-thankfully sister Jacobsmeyer is taking care of plans so I don't have to even think about it). During our workover (we were in King's Lynn this time- the last few times I've left the area for it) we went to follow up with the family that we met at the bus stop with the member. They are great! THey will be the best kingdom builders.
In less exciting news, we went to a LA's house and her dog had peed on the duvet that was on the couch and the LA didn't know and guess who sat on it? yup, me. So gross. Thankfully it was the last appointment of the day so I could take care of it right after.

Ok.. the news we've all been waiting for:
So, last night was so stressful. I had talked with Sister Jacobsmeyer in the morning and she informed us that 4 sisters areas would be closing because so many sisters are going home this transfer and not as many coming in. crazy. So basically we had no idea what would happen, because sometimes it's the most unexpected moves but I was really hoping they wouldn't close KL for sisters. Well, we were having a lesson with a member and then we realized we had a missed call from the AP's. yikes. But then they wouldn't answer their phone. grr. We were freaking out. Finally they called back and said President wanted to talk with us. He spoke to Sister Couper first. She is going to Romford. That's right next to Ilford. She will love it. I'm sad to see her go and she is really sad. Then President was saying goodbye and almost forgot to tell me what was happening with me. haha Well, I am getting to stay in the blessed land of King's Lynn AND I'm getting to follow-up train... a Sister from Japan! She is the only sister from Japan in the mission and SIster Maurer (the one I was in a trio with) was training her. I'm getting a Japanese companion!! President said she's having a hard time with the language and that I'll really need to help her. yikes. I have no idea how to help people learn a language, but I know it will be great. I'm so grateful that the Lord and President trust me with this. I'm going to make every moment count!! IT's going to be great and I know we'll see so many miracles!! CAn't wait to share them all with you :)

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
Love, Sister Davis 


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