Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Lord is Generous... and Gilingham is Great!

Hola Familia (that's for you Linda)!
Well, as you know I am staying in Gillingham... and my companion is .... Sister Greenfield! We get to stay together another transfer! We were plenty shocked, but we are thrilled for the work we can do in the next 6 weeks. the Lord is generous! Our baptism did happen, but of course not without some interesting moments. For example, S.Greenfield and I sang "A Child's Prayer" for the baptism. We had a recently reactivated member, Catherine, play the piano for us. We  had practiced at her house, but I guess she got a little nervous. It was about 3 times faster than it is meant to be... and I just couldn't keep up. I have never sang that song that fast and so about half way through the first verse I just couldn't keep up and had to stop singing and just pick back up at the last line. Dave really enjoyed it and said he felt the spirit. It has given everyone else that attended a nice laugh. All the members keep talking to me about it and the Elders found it especially hilarious. Looking back it is pretty funny, although at the moment, it was slightly embarrassing. Then we had some water temperature issues. Usually the water is too cold, right? Not this time, it was boiling! Steam was filling up in the font area (and it was a really hot day anyway). The brother baptising him wouldn't even put his foot in it was that hot. So we had to drain part of it and refill it with cold. Luckily, eventually the baptism happened and it went really well. The spirit was there and it was a nice experience to remember my purpose as a missionary. Some of our other investigators had really great experiences as well.
An interesting experience this week was getting lost in a field. Yup, a big field in the middle of nowhere. We were out in a small village on the edge of our area, visiting a member and trying to locate a less active. Our map told us there was a shortcut through this field, but alas there was not. It led to a dead end and we ended up having to back track and missing the last bus in that area and we were already late for another appointment. We called a couple in our ward that lives nearish that area to give us a lift to where we needed to be. This couple is an older couple (they are actually ward missionaries, but they won't come out teaching with us). The lady is kind of cranky but in a really funny way. It's hard to explain, but S. Greenfield and I were really scared of her when I first got to this ward, but we've progressively gotten to know her better and worked up a good relationship with her. WEll, apparently when we called them for a lift it was right in the middle of her TV time for the day. When we got in the car, her husband said "Sister Hankin will not be talking to you today on our journey because you interupted her teli time and she is not happy" She sat in the front seat all upset. But I don't think she was really upset; I think she just likes people thinking she's cranky. We found it hilarious!! And we bought her chocolate and went to visit her and she has forgiven us. It was so funny though! I wish I could explain her personality better, but I don't know that it would do her justice. I will tell you though that she said when she was in her younger years, her and her gal friends would go and try and pick up sailors, but instead of dropping hankercheifs for them to pick up, she would drop a can of beans because they make a louder sound and is more noticable! What a character! I love her to peices, even if she does get cranky with us. haha
I think a really big thing that has touched my heart this week is the power of repentance and forgiveness. Catherine (that played the piano) has been working to go to the temple. She had an interview this week, but a past issue came up that she had even thought about being an issue and all week it has really just weighed her down and she's struggled with feelings of regret and guilt. On Sunday she met with the bishop and I saw her once she came back into the chapel afterwards. She was glowing. It was amazing to talk to her and see how good she felt. She was able to receive a recommend to go to the temple to do baptisms and a recommend for a patriarchal blessing. She is amazing! And it was touching to be able to physically see the power forgiveness has. Then bishop shared a story in testimony mtg about his son that recently got baptized; his son had been arguing with his brother. They were leaving to go somewhere and they couldn't find his recently baptized son anywhere. They finally found him in his room, kneeling and offerring a vocal prayer asking Heavenly Father to forgive him for arguing with his brother. As he shared this story, I felt the spirit so strong and it reminded me how much we need to become as little children. These experiences led me to ponder Alma the younger sharing his experience. I love Alma 36:19-20. Oh what joy we can behold when we truly repent and receive forgiveness. How thankful I am for the Savior and what he's done for me that he makes that forgiveness possible! I am so grateful to wear his name on my heart and share this good news with many people every single day! What a blessing!
I love you all!!!
Sister Davis
P.S. Please pray that we will find a prepared FAMILY to teach this week!! :) Thanks!

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