Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Dear Family,
I hope you all have a fabulous 4th of July! I am sad that I won't get to celebrate with you(cuz our family sure knows how to party!), but S. Greenfield said we can celebrate (imagine spending American Independance Day with an English companion ;)) We have a zone meeting that day and our zone leader (from AZ) assures us that all American songs will be sung; which is hilarious because according to President Jordan we are the most culturely diverse Zone- we have missionaries from Canada, Italy, Spain, Malaysia, Brazil, France, Hong Kong, Singapore, America. Also the 4th of July marks my 3 month mark! Time is flying way too fast. This is the last week of this transfer! It has gone by so fast and I am so sad to see it coming to an end because we are pretty certain that Sister Greenfield is going to get transferred. We have had so much fun together and learned so much together, but I know that we will go wherever and serve with whoever the Lord needs us to be with. Since transfers are coming up I will be writing on Tuesday next week.
One of our eternal investigators, Kyle, said he went to an activity in Canterbury and no one talked to him because they were all in their groups already and now he hates going to church activities :( It's a shame. But he's good friends with our investigator Dave, so hopefully they can be there for eachother.

Since we had the open house (which was a good success) we had a special meeting with the other ward in our building. President Jordan came and spoke. IT was really good! Our gospel principles class was making S.Greenfield and I so nervous!! The brother teaching it was from the other ward and he kept making it really awkward and talking about how when he joined the church he found so many beliefs really strange and kept talking about that. MEmbers of our ward had brought quite a few non-members with them for the first time. We were stressing, but luckily one of the missionaries from the other ward finally just raised his hand and bore his testimony on the topic (the creation) and after that, a few of the other ward members and long-time investigators shared their feelings. AFterwards our bishop came up and told us the family they had brought with them were really touched by the testimonies shared. It's amazing the power a testimony can have. ANd hopefully that family will want to start taking the discussion soon!!
And good news, we are having a baptism this week!!!!! A former investigator, David, that was having some issues with a court case, got cleared and President Jordan ok'd his baptism! But please keep him in your prayers that he will get there and overcome any opposition (he has faced quite a lot). He is so excited to get baptised! IT's great to see how happy he is about it. And Sister Greenfield and I are hoping it will also help to encourage some of our other investigators. Justin is still cancelling some of our appointments, but we met with him last night and he is still trying to find his answer. Hopefully he will get there soon! He's so good and so close!
This week we did some gardening this week for a member. It started raining just as we got to their house (which was quite a walk to get there). Typical England. We were not going to let us stop us so we just gardened in the rain. IT was quite nice actually. And another member came to help us too so it was nice to talk with them and build friendships while getting to do some good service.
One of the members we ate at this week is Nigerian. She made us this delicious Nigerian food and it was so spicy!! I loved it!
We also, however, visited a Nigerian investigator who made us fufu. It was basically this breadish dough that you roll into balls and dip into soup. The soup was nasty looking with all these fish bits and mystery meat. It was slimy and not very tasty. S. Greenfield and I had quite the time eating it. But we were grateful to have our faith in Nigerian food restored when we went to the members home and had yummy Nigerian food. I think I am so grateful though that I didn't get called serve in Africa or where strange things are more commonly eaten. And I still am waiting to try this bland English food that everyone was telling me about because so far, it has all been tasty. And they make the best puddings. Custard is also quite nice! It's almost like a mild butterscotch pudding type stuff that they have with desserts. Yummy! Desserts and chocolates are done quite nicely in England. :)
Well we have some great plans for this week and are looking forward to a wonderful baptism on Saturday! This is the Lord's work and it's great to see His hand in the work. Miracles are all around us! I love you all! I wish you the best week!
Love, Sister Davis

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