Monday, July 29, 2013

How Sweet (Sweat) the Work

Dear Family!
The work is very sweet, but we also have been sweating a lot because of how hot it is. :) (Couldn't help it, Dad. Love you lots and thanks for taking the time and energy to write. ;))
You are all wonderful and I am happy to hear how brilliant things are going. The Peruvian party sounds especially nice!
Also, I will report that Kate has had the royal baby(which I know you are already aware of :)) and leading up to the announcement almost every house we went to had the news on waiting to see it or staying tuned to hear details about it. Other than that we haven't heard much else.
Going on a mission definitely hasn't taken the optometric technician out of me. Half the time when we stop people and talk to them or even with members of the ward, I often notice how much their glasses need adjusting or how much they really should have gone with something different. haha. I should probably work to stop doing that.
We have had quite the weather here. Mostly it's been really hot and humid (NOT ENOYABLE AT ALL). I hate humidity. But then the other day we went tracting and it started raining buckets. WEll, because it has been so hot lately and because we are missionaries with no access to weather reports we were caught in it with no umbrella and we got completely soaked! It was actually quite fun and atleast it was a warmer rain so we weren't cold at all and we didn't get sick from it (so don't panic). We also had a ward BBQ on Saturday and it started raining buckets during that as well so our bishop and the other bbqers were soaked, but the food was still delicious!
Sister Greenfield and I have worked so hard this week! We have just always been on the go. We had over 50 accountable  hours this week (which seems impossible), but somehow it really did happen. It was a little bit exhausting though, ok really exhausting. Thankfully the Lord gives us the strength to carry on. 
We started teaching a wonderful Latvian  lady who has an 18 month old daughter. They are great. Her lessons are a bit difficult though because she doesn't have the best understanding of English and we don't have many Latvian materials (just a BoM and FTSOY pamphlet). We were able to find the Latvian version of the restoration video online thankfully and could show her that. I think that is one of the hardest things about serving in such a diverse area is that so many don't have the best English so we REALLY have to simplify things and often repeat things different ways several times before it's understood. We also met several Romanian people this week :) One was going to come to church but he got the right bus number going the wrong way so he ended up not getting to where he needed to be and just went home. That was sad; next time we are going to have the Elders get the bus with him so he can find it.  
So sad news. We were just taking our break between finishing emails (we only have an hour at the library so then we have to come back later for the extra half hour). While we were out we ran into Aiva, the Latvian investigator. She is moving to sittingbourne this week :(. That is in Gillingham 2nd Ward area (we are G1). Hopefully the Elders in that ward will take good care of her and help her to progress, but it's always hard and sad to pass people over. And that seems to keep happening to us. We have found several people this week from Maidstone, which is London South area. Atleast we can be part of their process in bringing them closer to Christ, even if we cannot see their progress. 
And we FINALLY got to start watching the broadcast. We got our ward mission leader to burn a dvd for us to watch. We've been watching little bits at lunch and dinner and if we have time after planning. It's amazing!! Our leaders are so wonderful and inspired!!
Also, this is random, but I didn't know if I told you they have Peanut Butter Kit Kats here. Do we have those in America? They are amazing! It's like my two favorite chocolate bars put into one! So good! Now they just need to make dark chocolate peanut butter kit kats. 
We met this awesome old couple this week. The gentleman is super austere. He dresses very smartly with a cravat and all. He's hilarious! We get on quite well with them and had a really good first lesson with them. Although, they talk FOREVER! I'm pretty sure we know all of Gillingham's history now. haha. But they are great! 
We met so many wonderful people this week! I'm excited and hopeful that many will progress. This is a wonderful work; it is the Lord's work and I'm so thankful to be a part of it.
I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!! 
Sister Davis   

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