Sunday, March 16, 2014

It's a beautiful day!

Dear Family,

This week has really been wonderful! It is amazing the miracles we have seen, especially considering everything that has happened. We had this crazy incident with a member that was just too much drama and will take too much time to explain, but it is all resolved now so no worries. All that drama just added to the sleepless nights I was having and it all really caught up with me. I took some sleeping medication Sister Jordan told me to take and the next day I don't think I quite slept it off. I couldn't keep my eyes open all the way. It was ridiculous. But the Lord really blessed us anyway. There was a lot that the Lord needed to teach me. Hopefully I learned it all and can continue to enjoy getting restful sleeps at night. 
Miracle #1 Guess who is back?? Amerjeet!!!! He got out of the detention centre FINALLY and is working towards getting everything back on track for baptism. 
Miracle #2 We've been doing some less-active finding for back-up plans. If the LA isn't in we tract 5 doors on both sides and 5 doors across. Well, like plans tend to do as a missionary, our plans fell through and we followed our back-up plans. The LA wasn't in, so we started tracting. At the next door, we found a man who had been baptised when he was a kid and his dad is active, but he just slowly fell away. We had a great lesson with him on the doorstep and he said we could come back to teach him, his partner, and his 12-year old son. The Lord knows where his lost sheep are that are ready to be found. 
Miracle #3 We got a call from a member this week about a woman he had met in a shop. He told us where this shop was and asked us to go and see her. It was an interesting shop. She is from Bulgaria and is a strong Christian. We had a great lesson with her and she was really interested. She said she had talked to this member for 3-4 hours when  he came into the shop. It's great to see the members really being a part of missionary work. We NEVER would have found this woman on our own; we really NEED the members. 
Miracle #4 Yesterday our last lesson of the day fell through and we  had met all our goals for the week, except for needing 2 more new investigators. We really wanted to reach our goal and wanted to be productive during our last hour of the day. We made plans to go see a LA and followup with a PI. We prayed to confirm our plans with God and to ask his help to bless us with 2 new investigators (we were hoping the LA might have some family or some friends around that we could start teaching). Then we walked not even a block away and stopped this man with two of his children. He was happy to stop and talk with us. We had a BRILLIANT conversation about the gospel, about the  Book of Mormon, and even about the word of wisdom (which he said he was having to reconsider his plans to go home and have a cup of tea). He eagerly agreed to let us come and see him and his family (his wife and 2 more children; one of which is a newborn). One of his children that was with him is 11. That's right: 2 new investigators and we found a family!!!!!!!!! We have been praying to find a family all week and we found two (this family and the less active's family in Miracle #2). 

Something cool that we did this week: go to a Sikh temple!! We just had to experience the full culture of Ilford. A RM from Pakistan (she served in this mission and then moved back to London) came with us. They feed people there so we went there for dinner. It was such a neat culture experience and the food was really good. We had to wear a scarf and take our shoes off and we ate on the floor. I wish I could take a picture so you could see the culture-ness of it. It was so fun!  The Sikh's just make food there all day and welcome anyone and everyone to come in and enjoy it as long as they follow the rules of the temple. It's really nice of them. 
We're going to London today!!!! Hurray! 

I love you all so much! I know that Heavenly Father is real. He loves us and knows us perfectly. More importantly, he knows what we can become and will do all that he can to help us to become that person. The Book of Mormon is true. I love this gospel!
I love you!!!
Sister Davis xoxo


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