Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hello Dear Family, 

You are wonderfully brilliant! 

We had the first baptism in Ilford this year!! Amarjeet got baptised. The member that baptised him is an amazing member that always comes teaching with us and just loves the gospel. He came up to us after the baptism and just thanked us for our obedience and for all that we are doing. He said that our efforts to do what is right was evident in how everything went. It was very thoughtful of him to say that. The baptism did go really well. We had a baptism right before of someone who had been excommunicated. That was just a small baptism with the missionaries and a few of the members friends. It was really lovely and the spirit was so strong. But Sister P and I were talking about how that baptism caused more stress than the baptism for our investigator; Amarjeet's baptism just went so smoothly. Even with speakers cancelling last minute and the pianist not showing up, it all just went so well and we weren't stressed at all. It was clear that the Lord wanted it to happen; we didn't need to worry about anything. And thankfully my piano skills are improving a lot. I've had to play for different events quite often recently, including sacrament meeting. Thanks for being a great teacher mum!
The work is going well. We just keep trying to focus on working with the members. We have noticed that when we really focus on helping the members be involved with missionary work, all aspects of the work we do goes much smoother. When we do the work in the Lord's way, we will get His help. 
Sister P and I have gotten a new liking: frozen fruit. It all started with frozen grapes. I guess it was a big trend in Sister P's high school. They are so good. Like a little grape slushy in your mouth. So we've started freezing other random fruit to see how it goes. The orange was pretty good. 
I don't know if I ever told you about our investigator Salma. Sister Stoja and I found her street contacting and then she called us the end of last transfer. She is from Bangladesh. She has two children, but they were taken away and she was in an abusive relationship, but she is working to get them back and is doing so amazing! She has stopped smoking!! She was smoking about 20 a day when we first met her and we've been working with her to cut down and now she isn't smoking at all. She's on date for the 12 of April. Sometimes it is hard to understand her, but we can see the physical difference the gospel is making in her life.
The gospel is great. I'm grateful for Jesus Christ and all that he has done for me. I know that because of His grace and mercy I can become better each and everyday. He loves us all so much!
I love you!
Sister Davis xoxo 

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