Monday, May 13, 2013

What A Lovely Week

Dear Family,
It was so wonderful to see you and speak to you! Robert and Claire, I wish I could have talked with you too, but the temple is the best reason you could have to have not been there. I hope it was wonderful!
You are all Brilliant and I'm so happy you are picking up on the English-lingo so quickly :). Now work on saying youa'right? and Cheers. These are two that I'm still working on; it just isn't natural for me.
 I can't wait for Zone Conference. It should be so good!! The theme is the Holy Ghost. i'll tell you all about it next week. 
And thanks for the suggestions with Maria's husband. She invites him to church all the time but he just doesn't think he needs to come. But we started teaching her sister this week!! That was great! Her name is Roxana and we got on the topic of the Holy Ghost and she wants to know how she can get it! Hopefully she will continue progressing and hopefully she can get work off so she can come to church. At church yesterday we had a miracle. An investigator that we haven't been able to have any contact with for almost three weeks came to church!!!! It was so exciting. The members were great to make her feel welcome and she wants to start meeting with us again. Hurray! We gave someone a baptismal date this week! She so wants to be baptised and has actually had a baptismal date before but her aunt called off her baptism last time (the girl is 14 and her aunt- a member whose husband is in the bishopric- has guardianship). Please pray that her aunt will understand how important baptism is and let her get baptized! We don't  understand why the aunt is hesitant for her to be baptized, but without her approval she can't be. Hopefully that will go through.
Sister Karyan is still pretty sick. Hopefully she will get better so we can keep all our appointments and so she can enjoy zone conference. Also exciting news, we are hoping to do a work over this week (exchanges) with the sisters in Bedford. That should be fun and I'm excited for what I can learn from the other Sister- Sister Webster is coming to work with me in Northampton. She's training Sister Jacobsmeyer. We must be doing things right because yesterday after church it was raining and neither one of us had brought an umbrella and we didn't have a dinner appt. Well the bishop's wife offerred us a ride to our appointment. She asked if we had a dinner appt and we told her we didn't. She invited us to their house (they were already planning on feeding the elders anyway). So after taking care of the appointment we had, we got fed dinner at Bishop's and it was spicy chilli! I have been missing spicy food. And it was really nice to not have to walk home in the rain. Their family is great. Their oldest daughter and her husband live with them and they remind me of Julie and Nathan (they're awesome and have similar personalities) and are expecting a girl in July. IT was really fun to be with them. I think the Elders were a bit jealous that we get dinner appointments so easily without really even having to try. That's ok :
This gospel is wonderful! I am so grateful for all that Jesus Christ has provided for each of us and for how simple and wonderful Heavenly Father's plan is. I am so grateful for Joseph Smith and the faith that he had to press on when times were hard and to do all needed to do to be a wonderful instrument in the hand of God and to bring so much for the world.
Again, it was so great to talk to you and see you!! I love you!
Cheers :)
Sister Davis

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