Monday, May 20, 2013

Keep calm... even in the constantly changing weather

Dearest Family,
I really stink at coming up with clever subject titles.
We have so many muslims here. We run into them all the time. And it's tough because we have to be careful about teaching them and so Sister Karyan and I haven't quite figured out how to invite them when we are talking to them. We are however teaching a man who used to be Muslim, but he does not like Muslims at all. It's very interesting.
Quick note, next week I won't be emailing until Tuesday because that will be our Pday. And transfers are next week!! I'm nervous to hear what will happen. Yesterday S. Karyan and I were talking and we think one of us are moving but we'll have to see. I want to stay here in Northampton, but I know that whatever happens will be what the Lord wants and will be best. S. Karyan still is having bad headaches and her blood results came back normal so we don't know what to do, but she is great to jsut carry on.
This week has been great and busy. Zone Conference was AMAZING!! I had to get up and give a gap training (I don't know if you remember me explaining this over skype, but it's teaching a certain PMG subtopic, with memorized scripture, and inspired question in 2 minutes) in front of everyone. I taught about the Pre-Earth life, but it actually went really well. It helped to boost my confidence in my teaching ability. And while we were in London we saw part of the advertizing in the tubes. I took pictures and was going to send them but forgot my usb. Sorry, next week I will send. Also, we had workovers and that was amazing! Sister Webster (from AZ) is so fantastic and I learned so much from her. It was sad though: We went to visit a member family and teach them, only to find out that the Mom has gone completely less active. She hasn't come to church since I've been hear but everyone (my comp, the ward mission leader, etc) said that it was because of her kids. Turns out she says she doesn't have a testimony of Joseph Smith and just can't accept it. She had been doing research about the church online and from what we understood ran into some anti-mormon stuff. It is sad how completely destructive that can be. We've actually seen a few cases with that this week. And we found out yesterday while talking about this with our ward mission leader that this couple was trying to prepare to go to the temple, but Satan is working hard against them. I think that's what I've really realized this week is how real Satan is and how dilligent he is in bringing people down and into misery like himself. But we are dilligent too and in the Lords work (on the winning side) and we continue to have faith that we can help others overcome Satan.
We also had Stake Conference this weekend. It was a broadcast for all of the UK. So good! Elder Baxter, Elder Scott, and President Eyring spoke and all did an amazing job. Elder Scott talked about the sanctity of womanhood. I love how much he loves his wife. President Eyring talked about reactivating and about joining in the rescue. Hopefully the members took it to heart so they can help us in this great work. Dad, I remember you saying how great that one sister missionary in Deseret Hills was about reactivating. What were some of the ways that she worked at reactivating? And what was key to it being so successful?
One of my favorite miracles from this week was from Saturday. We went to visit a referral from the Duston Elders from a member in their ward. We went and knocked on her door, but nothing. Something I learned with S. Webster was to never leave an area without tracting atleast one or two doors. She had told me there is a reason that you are in that area. So even though this referral wasn't home, we decided to tract a few doors. Well, two doors later this kind old woman invited us in. Turns out it was the referral we were trying to reach but she was cat-sitting for her neighbors. She had missionaries living with her for about 7 years, but is not a member. She is the member of another Christian church (she has been baptized into 3 different churches) and loves the Bible and knows about all our beliefs. She did say though that it was not a coincedence that we found her! She commited to read part of the Book of Mormon during her Bible studies and said we could come back. Hopefully her heart will be softened enough this time to recognize this is the truth. Her name is Noreen. Please pray for her! She is great!
Saturday I decided I was going to set a goal to give out atleast 5 pass-alongs every single day or get 1 potential appt. Saturday I had 1 card left so Sunday I was determined to reach my goal. Well, I gave out 10+ cards and we got 1 potential appointment. It was great!
This week we ate with an older sister in our ward. Her house is the cutest thing ever. It was like I had walked into an English house in a movie. The English wallpaper, the little decorations, and sitting down to dinner felt like I was sitting down to tea and crumpets with the queen at this womans cute little table with china. I loved it! Something interesting about English food is they poor gravy over everything. So you have some kind of meat and lots of vegetables (always potatoes included)-basically like Thanksgiving dinner- and then you pour gravy over it all, not just the meat and potatoes, everything on your plate. My companion isn't too fond of doing this, but I quite like it.  And she is such a sweet woman! And her and her husbands conversion story was so great. She waited over 45 years for him to finally join the church after she did and they were able to go to the temple just a little while before he passed away (about 2 years ago).
One of my favorite things I read this week was in 1 Nephi 8:11-12. It jumped out to me that it is AS he is partaking of the fruit that he has the desire to share it with others. The more that we partake of the fruit and feast upon the word of Christ the more we will have joy and have a desire to share that joy with others. It's not after we partake of the fruit, it's while we are partaking of it. And the whole time he is talking about sharing it, he is partaking of it. He doesn't say after he partook. It's AS he partook. I know as we continue to partake of the fruit of the gospel and apply the atonement continually our desire to share it will increase and with our desire will come the faith and the ability to do just that.  This gospel is so true and so wonderful!
I love you all! Enjoy the family reunion and canyoneering for me! Can't wait to hear all about it.
Sister Davis

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