Sunday, July 13, 2014

Oh, I hate technology.

Saddest day. I just lost my whole letter to you..... I don't have too much time now that I lost that whole letter. Sometimes I hate technology. grrr..... So sorry.

Anyway. It sounds like you are doing great. Glad you had a great 4th of July. Ours was fun. Lots of great lessons and some A&W Root Beer floats!! It's been ages since I've had root beer.

Well, like I had typed before our week was much better this week than last. We're both healthy and seeing so many miracles. We've had so many great missionary meetings lately focusing on being exactly obedient, focusing on helping others repent, and having the spirit in our work.
We have found some really great families to teach. We are getting the members more involved in everything.

Mum, I really liked what you said about traditions and that it's not the places, but the people. It got me thinking about tradition and about how it is good and necessary for us to have changes in our lives. We met a lovely Polish woman who is VERY CAtholic. She thinks all we need is the Bible and tradition. But when we get stuck in tradition too long, then we just start going through the motions and follow men rather than have our heart in following God. Hopefully when we see her and her husband tomorrow their hearts will be softened and open to our message.

Us and the Elders from KL ended up being an hour and a half late to zone conference. What happened was we had to take two trains to where the conference was. The train from King's Lynn to Cambridge was late so we missed our connecting train to Ipswich (where the conference is) and so we had to wait an hour for the next train to come. And then that train was late to Ipswich. We were all really sad about missing the first part, but the part we were there for was really good. I got to see Sister Greenfield which was lovely!! I can't believe she goes home next transfer.

We found a lovely family who has the best 8-yr old investigator. She was practically begging us to let her pray at the end of the lesson (and she had never said a proper prayer, just the recited ones they would say in school). It was so lovely. They have 4 kids: 8,6,3,and 18 months. We are so excited to teach them. They went to a ward activity about 10-15 years ago. Goes to show that no efforts are ever wasted!

The gospel is true. I love you!!

Love, Sister Davis

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