Sunday, November 10, 2013

I like to look for rainbows because there's so much rain

Dear Family,
 Miracle of the week: MISSY GOT BAPTISED!!!!!!!
On Thursday (when we normally teach her), her dad called to cancel since it was halloween and she was going to a friend's. But then he told us that her mom had softened her heart and was ok with Missy being baptised. Not only was she ok with it, but she wanted it and wanted it done soon as possible. So we had two days to put a baptism together. It was a bit stressful, but it all worked out. We were just so thrilled and grateful for our prayers to be answered! And she got to get the gift of the Holy Ghost on her birthday. What fun! Her brother (who was baptised about a month ago) spoke at her baptism and did such a sweet job!
We have not been able to get in touch with Lakota :( We sent him a letter. We just hope he is ok because he didn't seem like the type who would just ignore us.
Rudy is facing some challenges but he is still doing pretty well. We went with him and his children to the fireworks for Bonfire Night. Bonfire Night is a holiday in England. I don't really understand what it's about, but they light bonfires and do fireworks. The fireworks show was really cool! But it was literally cool too; it was freezing. Winter is here. I hate it, but I'm surviving.
We have a really wonderful new investigator this week, Kevin. He came to church yesterday and really enjoyed it. He's older and so I think it will be a bit slower of a process for him because change is a bit hard for him, but he is really open and doing well.
Shayla is amazing! We haven't seen her for awhile because she was sick and then she went on holiday. We saw her this week and she is so excited for Christmas. She was asking us about where she can read about it in the Book of Mormon. She said that she's really excited for it now because now that she's Christian it really means something. When we met up with her to walk to church, we were just a little bit late and when we walked up she was waiting there reading the Book of Mormon!!
Elliot, the boyfriend of a girl in our ward, is GOLDEN! HE is so prepared and so eager to learn and prepare for baptism. BUT.... we can't teach him :( He lives in Maidstone, which is in London South and so we have to pass him over to those missionaries. So sad.
Halloween isn't really that big here. A few people dress up but most people don't even do anything for the holiday.
Sorry this email is probably a bit all over the place. I can't really think and my stomach has started not feeling good as I'm writing (don't worry Mom)... Anyway, just know that things are going well.
Transfers are next week, so I'll be emailing on Tuesday!
One more quick thought: So yesterday, Sister Larson and I were tracting. Most people just sent us away because they were having tea (that's what they call dinner). We finally got to a door where someone would talk to us. It was an older teenage boy. He said that he didn't have any belief in God and that he never wondered about it, about the purpose of life, or about really anything that we teach people about. Sister Larson and I both bore our testimonies and taught about prayer. The boy just said, "I think that is stupid." Not really the response we were hoping for. But it really just hit me how grateful I am that I know that not only is God there, but he is my Heavenly Father and He loves me. He wants me to communicate with him. He wants me to be happy. I know He wants that for all of His children, but he also will let them choose whether or not they want it and that means that some won't choose that. I'm grateful I have the choice to choose to believe in Heavenly Father! I know that He is there. He cares about each one of us and He hears and answers our prayers! It's our job to share this good news with everyone, but it's not our job to force them to accept it. Which goes back to Kevin; he says that when he first met us, he liked talking to us because we didn't force anything at him like another religion he mentioned, that I won't. He continually mentions as we meet with him that he loves that we just share and don't push him into anything. This is the Lord's work. As we reach out in love to His children, if they are prepared, they will want to know more. If they choose not to, the Lord will continue to bless us for our efforts!
I love you all!!
Love, Sister Davis
P.S. Anything specific any of you would like in a Christmas package?

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